Efinaconazole (Jublia): Antifungal Drug Uses, Side Effects & Dosage

What is efinaconazole Jublia, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Efinaconazole is a topical (applied to the skin)
antifungal used for the local treatment of fungal infections of the toenails.
Efinaconazole destroys fungal cells by inhibiting fungal lanosterol
14α-demethylase, an enzyme required to make ergosterol, an important fungal cell
wall component. Without cell walls fungus cannot survive. Efinaconazole was
approved by the FDA in June, 2014.

What brand names are available for efinaconazole Jublia?


Is efinaconazole Jublia available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for efinaconazole Jublia?


What are the side effects of efinaconazole Jublia?

: The most common side effects of treatment are mainly irritation
of the area(s) efinaconazole is applied to. Side effects include:

What is the dosage for efinaconazole Jublia?

: Efinaconazole is applied to the affected toenail(s) once daily for 48
weeks. When applying efinaconazole, patients should make sure that the toenails,
toenail beds, and surrounding skin are completely covered. For best results, apply
efinaconazole to dry toenails. Patients should wait for at least 10 minutes
after showering, bathing, or washing before applying efinaconazole. Patients
should avoid pedicures, use of nail polish, or cosmetic nail products while
using efinaconazole. Efinaconazole is only intended for use on toenails and
surrounding skin.

The safety and effectiveness of efinaconazole has not been established in
pediatric patients.

Which drugs or supplements interact with efinaconazole Jublia?

: No known drug interaction has been identified with

Is efinaconazole Jublia safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

NURSING MOTHERS: It is not known if efinaconazole is excreted in breast milk.
As many drugs are excreted in human milk and have the potential of harming the
nursing infant, efinaconazole should be used cautiously in nursing mothers.

What else should I know about efinaconazole Jublia?

What preparations of efinaconazole Jublia are available?

PREPARATIONS: Topical solution: 10%

How should I keep efinaconazole Jublia stored?

STORAGE: Efinaconazole should be stored at room temperature, from 15 C to
30 C (59 C to 86 F). Efinaconazole is flammable and should be protected from
heat or flames. Efinaconazole containers should be stored in an upright position. Keep
efinaconazole and all medications out of the reach of children.

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