How Do You Treat Gastrointestinal Illness? GI Symptoms

How Do You Treat Gastrointestinal Illness
Depending on the cause, treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses may include lifestyle changes, prebiotics, probiotics, medications, or surgery

Depending on the symptoms and underlying cause, treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses may include:

  • Lifestyle modifications: Many GI issues can be managed by lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding fatty or spicy foods may ease heartburn or acid reflux. Constipation may be managed by eating fiber-rich foods and drinking plenty of water. Getting enough rest, plenty of fluids, and eating easy-to-digest foods may provide relief from other symptoms such as diarrhea or stomach upset.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics: Prebiotics and probiotics can promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut, which are responsible for promoting the health of your digestive tract and immune system. Prebiotics feed gut bacteria, and probiotics are bacteria that you can ingest and help with intestinal immunity.
  • Medications: Medications can help with GI symptoms such as:
  • Surgery: Surgery may be necessary to treat GI diseases that cannot be managed through medications, such as bowel obstruction and appendicular stones. In some cases, colon or rectal polyp removal surgery may be done to prevent the progression of colorectal cancer.

What is gastrointestinal illness?

Gastrointestinal illness is an umbrella term used for any condition that affects the gastrointestinal tract or GIT, which includes:

  • Mouth
  • Esophagus (tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach)
  • Stomach
  • Small intestine (small bowel)
  • Large intestine (large bowel)

GI illnesses are also called digestive diseases. Apart from the GIT, they also include other organs that aid in digestion including the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. 

GI diseases are common and can affect any age and gender although the frequency or prevalence in different age groups may vary depending upon the type of GI disease. For example, colorectal cancers tend to affect older people more often than younger people.

Examples of GI diseases include:

What are the symptoms of gastrointestinal illness?

Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases vary depending upon the type of disease and its severity. Generally, symptoms include:

Cancers of the GI tract may not present with symptoms initially and often only appear in advanced stages. Besides the above symptoms, bowel cancers may present with symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, narrow stools, change in bowel habits, and pale appearance due to anemia

If you experience these symptoms or have persistent GI issues, talk to your doctor for timely treatment and proper management.

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How Do You Treat Gastrointestinal Illness? GI Symptoms

How Do You Treat Gastrointestinal Illness
Depending on the cause, treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses may include lifestyle changes, prebiotics, probiotics, medications, or surgery

Depending on the symptoms and underlying cause, treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses may include:

  • Lifestyle modifications: Many GI issues can be managed by lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding fatty or spicy foods may ease heartburn or acid reflux. Constipation may be managed by eating fiber-rich foods and drinking plenty of water. Getting enough rest, plenty of fluids, and eating easy-to-digest foods may provide relief from other symptoms such as diarrhea or stomach upset.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics: Prebiotics and probiotics can promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut, which are responsible for promoting the health of your digestive tract and immune system. Prebiotics feed gut bacteria, and probiotics are bacteria that you can ingest and help with intestinal immunity.
  • Medications: Medications can help with GI symptoms such as:
  • Surgery: Surgery may be necessary to treat GI diseases that cannot be managed through medications, such as bowel obstruction and appendicular stones. In some cases, colon or rectal polyp removal surgery may be done to prevent the progression of colorectal cancer.

What is gastrointestinal illness?

Gastrointestinal illness is an umbrella term used for any condition that affects the gastrointestinal tract or GIT, which includes:

  • Mouth
  • Esophagus (tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach)
  • Stomach
  • Small intestine (small bowel)
  • Large intestine (large bowel)

GI illnesses are also called digestive diseases. Apart from the GIT, they also include other organs that aid in digestion including the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. 

GI diseases are common and can affect any age and gender although the frequency or prevalence in different age groups may vary depending upon the type of GI disease. For example, colorectal cancers tend to affect older people more often than younger people.

Examples of GI diseases include:

What are the symptoms of gastrointestinal illness?

Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases vary depending upon the type of disease and its severity. Generally, symptoms include:

Cancers of the GI tract may not present with symptoms initially and often only appear in advanced stages. Besides the above symptoms, bowel cancers may present with symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, narrow stools, change in bowel habits, and pale appearance due to anemia

If you experience these symptoms or have persistent GI issues, talk to your doctor for timely treatment and proper management.

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