womens health

What Helps Feminine Itching and Burning?

5 Common causes of feminine itching are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and more. Treating feminine or vaginal itching or burning depends on the cause of the symptoms. For yeast infection, the patient may need an antifungal cream or a pill to alleviate the symptoms. A gynecologist can often prescribe oral medication to get rid of …

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Lupaneta Pack (leuprolide acetate/norethindrone acetate) for Endometriosis Pain

What is Lupaneta Pack, and how does it work? Lupaneta Pack contains 2 different prescription medicines: leuprolide acetate for depot suspension is a medicine injected into your muscle and used to treat pain due to endometriosis. norethindrone acetate tablets is a medicine taken by mouth and used to help lower the side effect of bone thinning that is caused by …

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How Is Culdocentesis Done?

Culdocentesis is a procedure to examine any abnormal fluid in the pouch-like space just behind the vagina Culdocentesis is a procedure to examine any abnormal fluid in the pouch-like space just behind the vagina (cul-de-sac or pouch of Douglas). In the culdocentesis procedure: The physician will first perform a pelvic examination Lying in the same position with your head elevated …

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How Long Does a Suction D&C Take?

The dilatation and curettage procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes The dilatation and curettage procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes and is usually performed at the doctor’s clinic or in the hospital. However, you may need to stay in the clinic or hospital for up to 5 hours. What does D&C mean? Dilatation and curettage or D&C is …

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How Much Does Fallopian Tube Surgery Cost?

Fallopian tube surgery The cost of fallopian tube surgeries may start from a minimum of $3000 and may go up to $13,000. As per research, the cost of fallopian tube surgeries may start from a minimum of $3000 and may go up to $13,000 approximately. The cost of the surgeries depends on the type of surgery, complications, location of the …

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What Is the Best Treatment for Cystocele?

What is cystocele? Cystocele is the prolapse of the bladder. Cystocele, or bladder prolapse, is a condition in which the bladder sags down into the vagina due to the weakening of the supporting structure between the bladder and the vagina. Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition in which the structures that support the pelvic organs (the pelvic floor) become weak. …

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How Is a Fetal Scalp Electrode Attached?

Fetal scalp electrodes may be attached only after the neck of the womb has dilated to at least 2 cm Fetal scalp electrodes may be attached only after the neck of the womb has dilated to at least 2 cm, and the amniotic sac (the bag of water around the fetus) has ruptured. A sensor is usually strapped to the mother’s thigh. …

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What Is Robotic Gynecologic Surgery?

Robotic gynecologic surgery is similar to laparoscopic surgery except for the way the surgeon operates. Robotic gynecologic surgery refers to the latest innovation in minimally invasive surgical techniques. It uses a narrow, lighted scope and small instruments controlled by a robotic system to treat several conditions of the female reproductive system. Robotic gynecologic surgery is similar to laparoscopic surgery except …

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What Is a Diagnostic Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a frequently used minimally invasive diagnostic procedure A hysteroscopy is a frequently used minimally invasive diagnostic procedure that gives your doctor/gynecologist (women's specialist) a clear view of the inside of your womb (uterus). In this procedure, a thin, light flexible telescope-like tube (hysteroscope) is inserted through your vagina into your womb (uterus) through the cervix that projects …

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What Is Operative Hysteroscopy?

The optical lens or hysteroscope is used to view the inside of the uterus. Operative hysteroscopy is a procedure that involves the insertion of an optical lens through the cervix into the uterus to treat disorders of the uterus. The optical lens or hysteroscope is used to view the inside of the uterus. Small instruments are passed through the hysteroscope …

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