What Helps Feminine Itching and Burning?

Itching and Burning5 Common causes of feminine itching are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and more.

Treating feminine or vaginal itching or burning depends on the cause of the symptoms.

  • For yeast infection, the patient may need an antifungal cream or a pill to alleviate the symptoms. A gynecologist can often prescribe oral medication to get rid of the yeast. An over-the-counter cream is sometimes also effective when trying to eliminate yeast infection.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is remedied by creating a balanced level between the good and bad bacteria in your vagina. Antibiotics will remedy this infection along with reintroducing healthy bacteria into the system. Some women take natural supplements that include probiotics to help them feel better. Flagyl (metronidazole tablet), MetroGel (metronidazole gel), or Cleocin (clindamycin cream) may be prescribed.
  • If chemical irritants are the cause of the discomfort, stop using scented soaps and feminine sprays, and avoid harsh laundry detergents. Patients should discontinue douching and wearing underwear made of synthetic materials. Allow the vagina to breathe, and wear panties made of natural fibers. Because the side effects of menopause contribute to vaginal discomfort, the patient may wish to use a lubricant to soothe the itchiness.

A gynecologist may also prescribe

Common home remedies:

  • Taking a bath with baking soda may help to treat yeast infections and reduce skin irritation. It has antifungal properties, which can kill irritation causing bacteria. Put one-fourth cup of baking soda in the bath or make a paste and apply it on the skin and wash after a few minutes.
  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may also help to soothe an infection. ACV has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which prevent the growth of bacteria. Put half a cup of ACV in water and take a bath with it for relief.
  • Coconut oil can help manage yeast infections. Take a few drops of coconut oil on your fingers and rub it properly on your skin.
  • Eating food items containing probiotics promotes the growth of healthy bacteria and can help to get rid of the nasty infection. Probiotic foods are good for your vagina and gut. When suffering from vaginal issues, include kombucha, kimchi, and yogurt in your diet.
  • Some essential oils are also effective in treating infection. Tea tree and oregano oils are the two most effective oils that you can use for an itchy vagina. Their antifungal properties can kill a range of yeasts and fungi. Applying essential oils directly can irritate the vaginal skin. You may mix a few drops of the essential oil in other oils, such as coconut oil, before applying.
  • Placing a cold compress, such as a washcloth, on the labial area can help with discomfort.
  • Taking a sitz bath with water covering the genital and rectal areas.

What are the common causes of feminine itching and burning?

The following are the common causes of feminine itching:

  • Bacterial vaginosis: It results from excessive growth of bacteria that are normally present in the vagina. The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include a thin, white, gray, or green discharge and a burning sensation during urination. There is also a fishy smell that exudes from the vagina that gets stronger after sex.
  • Yeast infections: They are common among women and are caused by the candida fungus. This fungus is naturally present in the vagina, but when it grows out of control, it becomes a painful infection. The symptoms of a yeast infection include a thick, white, odorless discharge that looks like cottage cheese. The vagina and vulva become swollen, red, and extremely irritated, and itchy. The patient may experience pain during sex, frequent urination, and burning when they pee.
  • Chemical irritants: Chemical irritants may irritate the vagina and cause itching and burning because of their toxic ingredients. To avoid vaginal itching, we should refrain from using odorized toiletries. Women may also wear cotton panties, avoid douching and avoid wiping front to back after urination to avoid vaginal irritation.
  • Menopause: When a woman reaches menopause, the hormones in her body drastically change. The drop in estrogen levels can create vaginal dryness. This change in chemistry makes the vaginal walls thin and dry. The reduction in tissue causes the vagina to become itchy and irritated. To decrease these uncomfortable symptoms, a physician may prescribe estrogen tablets, creams, or ring inserts.
  • Common hormone or pH imbalances: The body goes through hormonal changes during a month. When the body goes through these changes, estrogen and pH levels are knocked off balance and can contribute to vaginal itchiness and dryness.

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