mental health

What Qualifies You as an Alcoholic? Alcoholism Symptoms

Qualifying as an alcoholic means having a mental and physical dependence on alcohol. Here are the symptoms and signs of alcoholism. A person may qualify as an alcoholic if they are mentally and physically dependent on alcohol. Alcoholism is a serious psychological illness due to which a person cannot stop drinking despite potential or actual, …

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What Is Dissociative Amnesia? Causes, Types & Treatment

Dissociative amnesia is a type of mental disorder that can cause varying degrees of memory loss. Learn about causes, types, and treatment Dissociative amnesia is a type of mental disorder that involves a disconnection or disruption of memory, awareness, actions, and identity. People with this type of dissociative disorder may be unable to remember important information about their life. In …

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What Are the Signs of a Narcissistic Man? Diagnostic Criteria

While narcissists from both sexes share common traits, male narcissists tend to be online trolls, disrespectful to women and dominate using mind games. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD; narcissism) is a personality disorder seen in both men and women with similar signs in both sexes. However, some behaviors of male and female narcissists can differ. The most common traits of the …

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What Is the Best Medication for Bipolar Disorder?

Mood stabilizers are typically considered the best medication for bipolar disorder. Learn about other medications and treatment options Mood stabilizers are typically considered the best medication for bipolar disorder.  However, treatment of bipolar disorder should be individually tailored to your symptoms, frequency of mood swings, and response to treatment. In addition to mood stabilizers, doctors may also prescribe atypical antipsychotics …

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Abilify (aripiprazole): Bipolar Disorder Drug Side Effects & Dosage

What is Abilify (aripiprazole), and what is it used for? Abilify is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder (manic depression), major depressive disorder, irritability associated with autistic disorder, and Tourette's disorder. Abilify may be used alone or with other medications. Abilify is an antipsychotic, antimanic agent. It is not known if Abilify is safe …

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Best Treatment for Bipolar Disorder: Medications & Therapy

While bipolar disorder cannot be cured, treatment aims to stabilize moods and untangle patients from the dramatic ups and downs of mania and depression through the use of medications and therapy. Medications, called mood stabilizers, which are generally the first and most important step in therapy, are used to treat bipolar disorder by stabilizing moods and untangling patients from the …

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Schizotypal Personality Disorder Treatment, Symptoms & Causes

Schizotypal personality disorder is characterized by odd behaviors, feelings, perceptions, and ways of relating to others that interfere with one's ability to function. Medication and psychotherapy can help the sufferer to manage their symptoms. Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) is a mental disorder that belongs to the group of mental illnesses called personality disorders. Therefore, like other personality disorders, it is …

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Suicide Statistics, Prevention, Definition & How to Stop Suicidal Thoughts

Facts you should know about suicide Suicide is the act of purposely ending one's own life. How societies view suicide varies by culture, religion, ethnic norms, and the circumstances under which it occurs. More than 800,000 people worldwide commit suicide each year — nearly 45,000 as recently as in 2016 in the United States. Self-mutilation is the act of deliberately …

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What Is Substance Use Disorder?

Substance use disorder (or drug addiction) is a psychiatric disorder in people. In the disorder, people uncontrollably use a substance (legal or illegal drugs or medications) despite harmful consequences. Substance use disorder (or drug addiction) is a psychiatric disorder in people. In this condition, people uncontrollably use a substance (legal or illegal drugs or medications) despite harmful consequences. The excessive …

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How Do Adults Deal With Overbearing Parents?

An overbearing parent is someone who wants control over their kid’s life and choices. Adults can deal with overbearing parents by telling them you can't continue with family traditions or rituals, responding with gratitude, declaring off-limits topics, not answering calls and texts and establishing boundaries. An overbearing parent is someone who wants control over their kid’s life and choices. Adult …

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