mental health

What Are the 3 Stages of Psychosis? Signs of Psychotic Break

3 stages of psychosis Here are the 3 stages of psychosis, which include the prodromal stage, acute stage, and recovery. Psychosis refers to a condition in which a person loses contact and fails to differentiate between reality and fantasy. It is characterized by considerable changes in a person’s perception, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Psychosis can …

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Is Asperger’s Syndrome a Type of Autism?

History of Asperger’s syndrome Asperger's syndrome or Asperger's is a developmental disorder. Asperger's is thought to be a similar but less severe form of autism. Asperger’s syndrome or Asperger’s is a developmental disorder. It is a type of autism spectrum disorder. People with Asperger’s have behavioral challenges and lack social and communication skills. Asperger’s is thought to be a similar …

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How Do I Stop Being a Hypochondriac?

What is health anxiety? A hypochondriac is someone who has a constant fear of illness or getting sick. Stop being a hypochondriac by using self-help and getting cognitive-behavioral therapy. Do you find yourself constantly worrying about your health? Do you spend a lot of time on the internet researching your symptoms, only to become more anxious and scared? If this …

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What Are Signs of Bipolar Disorder? Symptoms & Features

Bipolar disorder is characterized by shifts in moods that alternate between highs and lows, or manic episodes and depressive episodes Bipolar disorder is characterized by shifts in moods that alternate between highs and lows, or manic episodes and depressive episodes. Symptoms depend on the type of bipolar disorder: Bipolar I: At least one manic episode and occasional depressive episodes, interspersed …

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Are We Born With Hate? Psychology of Hatred

Some believe hate is an acquired trait that is conditioned according to a person’s social and political environment. Being born with hate is still a debatable question. Some believe that hate is an acquired trait because newborns have a clean slate and are conditioned according to their social and political environments. Another opinion is that hate is important for “survival." …

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Can You Have Anorexia Nervosa and Not Be Skinny? Symptoms, Causes

Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, do not always mean everyone who has one is thin. An eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, does not mean you will always be thin. One of the most common and dangerous myths about eating disorders is that everyone who has one is thin. Anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders are both mental and …

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Can Anxiety Make You Feel Feverish? Anxiety Symptoms

In some cases, anxiety can make you feel feverish without actually increasing your body temperature. In other cases, it can cause a recordable fever In some cases, anxiety can make you feel feverish without actually increasing your body temperature. In other cases, it can cause a recordable fever.  Fever is defined as a body temperature of 100.4 F or more …

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How Do You Fix Kleptomania? Disorder, Treatment, Causes

There is no cure for kleptomania; however, patients can manage the mental illness through counseling and behavioral modification techniques. Kleptomania is a psychological illness characterized by an uncontrollable and compulsive desire to steal. Kleptomania has no cure but can be managed in patients through counseling and behavioral modification techniques. Though it is difficult to treat kleptomania, people who suffer from …

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What Are Some Common Phrases Used by Covert Narcissists?

Here are 25 of the most common phrases used by covert narcissists, which seem harmless but often have a cunning subtext. Covert narcissists share many of the characters of the overt narcissistic, but they are quieter and shyer. These narcissists may manipulate you with words that sound normal and tend to use creative phrases that send mixed messages, which seem …

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What Are the 4 Stages of Addiction?

The four stages of drug addiction are experimentation, regular use, dependency, and finally, addiction. Learn more about what happens during each stage Drug addiction or substance abuse disorder follows a fairly formulaic path. While it typically starts out as fun, it can eventually end up being dangerous and even life-threatening. Understanding how your brain and body react differently throughout the …

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