Fox News

Do Detox Diets & Cleanses Really Work? 8 Benefits, 12 Side Effects

Detox diets and cleanses are extremely popular and considered to be the best way to jumpstart weight loss, get back on a healthy diet plan, and reset metabolism. You must have heard about detox diets and their cleansing effect on the body, claiming to help rid your body of toxins, cleanse blood and liver, and …

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Are Cherry Pits Safe to Eat? Cyanide Content and More

While accidentally eating a few cherry pits will not kill you, eating more than 20-30 can lead to cyanide toxicity Cherry pits contain trace amounts of cyanide. While accidentally eating a few cherry pits will not kill you, eating more than 20-30 can lead to dangerous toxicity. Your body can withstand up to 50 mg of cyanide before it becomes poisonous. …

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Is Niacin Flush Harmful? Symptoms & Causes

Although niacin flush can be uncomfortable, it is typically harmless and temporary Niacin flush is a harmless and temporary side effect of taking large doses of niacin supplements. The flushing usually subsides within 1-2 hours. Symptoms can be uncomfortable, however, leading many people to stop taking the supplements. What is a niacin flush? Niacin flush occurs when you take doses …

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What Are the Side Effects of Telmisartan?

Telmisartan side effects Telmisartan is an oral tablet sold under the brand name "Micardis," available as both the brand name and generic name. Telmisartan side effects include fatigue, nausea, headache, and others. Telmisartan is an oral tablet sold under the brand name “Micardis,” available as both the brand name and generic name. It comes in three strengths, 20 mg, 40 …

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How Long Can a Person Survive with ALS?

What is ALS/Lou Gehrig’s disease? ALS is a motor neuron (nerve cell) disease also commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. How long you can live with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) may depend on the cause of the condition. How long you can live with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) may depend on the cause of the condition. Most people with ALS …

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Which Weight Loss Surgery Is Permanent?

When should you consider weight-loss surgery? Weight-loss surgery — also known as bariatric surgery — is one of the best treatments for obesity and related diseases. As per the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), there are five types of surgeries that your doctor can recommend for permanent weight loss. Weight-loss surgery — also known as bariatric surgery …

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Which Appetite Suppressants Work Best? 11 Pills & Side Effects

Appetite suppressants are not for everybody. In selected individuals, these may aid to lower appetite and weight by suppressing food binges and cravings. Your appetite is influenced by a variety of factors and leads to various eating practices. If you want to reduce weight but are unable to control your eating, appetite suppressants may help.  Appetite suppressants are available over …

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Does Oatmeal Make You Gain Weight?

What is oatmeal? Oatmeal is a porridge made from oats that is often eaten for breakfast. Whether or not oatmeal makes you gain weight depends largely on how you prepare it. Whether or not oatmeal makes you gain weight depends largely on how you prepare it. There is sufficient evidence that oats can be good for people who are dieting …

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What Causes Nail Psoriasis? Symptoms & Treatment

Nail psoriasis can cause nail thickening, malformation, and discoloration Nail psoriasis is caused by the same autoimmune mechanisms as other types of psoriasis. The immune system attacks normal tissues in the body and triggers the hyperproliferation of cells. In the fingernails and toenails, this immune system malfunction causes nail cells to be produced faster than they can be shed, leading …

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What are the Health and Nutritional Benefits of Eating Passion Fruit?

What is passion fruit? Passion fruit is a small, round tropical citrus fruit so called because of the passionflower it sprouts from. Passion fruit is full of nutrients and helps digestion, immunity, skin health, heart health, and other systems. Passion fruit is a small, round tropical citrus fruit so called because of the passionflower it sprouts from. It has different …

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