Fox News

What Is a Total Pelvic Exenteration?

It is performed in patients with cancers in organs that have spread in the pelvic region. A total pelvic exenteration or pelvic clearance surgery is the surgical procedure to remove The bladder. The uterus (womb). The ovaries. All or part of your vagina. The rectum and anus (part of the lower intestine). It is performed …

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What Does an Exercise Stress Test Show?

This test monitors your heart rate, breathing, blood pressure with an electrocardiogram An exercise stress test shows How well your heart responds during times when it’s working its hardest or stressed. What level of exertion may trigger an abnormal heart rhythm. Your cardiac stamina (how much you can exert before fatigue sets in). How hard you should exercise when you …

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What Does a Leaky Heart Valve Feel Like?

A leaky heart valve may go unnoticed because frequently, a leaky heart valve causes no symptoms. A leaky heart valve may go unnoticed because frequently, a leaky heart valve causes no symptoms.  If a heart valve leak is severe, it can lead to symptoms such as breathlessness and cause the heart to fail. The symptoms of congestive heart failure mainly include: …

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Viral Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes & Types

Viral hepatitis facts Readers Comments 2 Share Your Story Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, most often is caused by hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. Many illnesses and conditions can cause inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), but certain viruses cause about half of all hepatitis in people. Viruses that primarily attack the liver are called hepatitis viruses. There are …

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Can You Self-Diagnose Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

You cannot self-diagnose body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). You cannot self-diagnose body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). It is a diagnosis that can be made only by a mental health professional—psychiatrist or psychologist. When your physician has evaluated you completely and found that there is no medical cause of your mental signs and symptoms, they will refer to the mental health professional. No …

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How Long Does It Take to Recover From Ovarian Cyst Removal?

Cyst removal is major surgery. Cyst removal is major surgery. Hence, it is important to make sure you take enough rest and give your body time for recuperation. Time taken to recover from the surgery is different for everyone. It takes around 12 weeks for the body to complete the healing process. If you have been given general anesthesia, then …

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How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Forceps Delivery?

Forceps look like two large salad spoons together. During a normal vaginal delivery, the doctor may apply an instrument, called forceps, to the baby’s head to aid in the delivery of the baby through the birth canal. This is also called forceps-assisted vaginal delivery. Forceps look like two large salad spoons together. This procedure augments the process of delivery, helps …

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Is Breech Delivery Safe?

Breech deliveries carry a risk of more complications than a vaginal delivery. Breech deliveries carry a risk of more complications than a vaginal delivery. So, due caution must be exercised during breech deliveries. The breech pregnancies are not dangerous until it’s time for the baby to be born. In the breech presentation, the baby’s feet or bottom is located at the …

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How Long Does a Vulvar Biopsy Take to Heal?

Healing usually generally occurs in five to seven days Healing duration: After a vulvar biopsy, healing usually generally occurs in five to seven days, but it may take longer depending on the depth of deficit. Time taken for healing of the area depends on the care taken after the procedure, size of the incision, location of biopsy, and type of …

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How Long Are You on a Treadmill for a Stress Test?

A stress test is also called an exercise stress test and sometimes a treadmill test. A stress test is also called an exercise stress test and sometimes a treadmill test. The test is performed to assess the function of the heart during physical activity. It is based on the concept exercise causes the heart to pump harder and faster; hence, …

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