Fox News

What Is Robotic Surgery Used for?

Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery. Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery. Robotic surgery has become the standard of care for many conditions. More than 90% of prostate cancer surgeries are now done robotically, and this change has resulted in dramatic improvements in terms of cancer survival. In addition to urologic surgeries, it …

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What Is Robotic Gynecologic Surgery?

Robotic gynecologic surgery is similar to laparoscopic surgery except for the way the surgeon operates. Robotic gynecologic surgery refers to the latest innovation in minimally invasive surgical techniques. It uses a narrow, lighted scope and small instruments controlled by a robotic system to treat several conditions of the female reproductive system. Robotic gynecologic surgery is similar to laparoscopic surgery except …

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What Is Operative Hysteroscopy?

The optical lens or hysteroscope is used to view the inside of the uterus. Operative hysteroscopy is a procedure that involves the insertion of an optical lens through the cervix into the uterus to treat disorders of the uterus. The optical lens or hysteroscope is used to view the inside of the uterus. Small instruments are passed through the hysteroscope …

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What Is a Scalp Electrode?

A fetal scalp electrode or FSE is a spiral wire that can be placed on the scalp of the fetus to monitor their heart rate A fetal scalp electrode or FSE is a spiral wire that can be placed on the scalp of the fetus to monitor their heart rate and ensure their well-being. Placing a fetal scalp electrode is …

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What Is a Diagnostic Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a frequently used minimally invasive diagnostic procedure A hysteroscopy is a frequently used minimally invasive diagnostic procedure that gives your doctor/gynecologist (women's specialist) a clear view of the inside of your womb (uterus). In this procedure, a thin, light flexible telescope-like tube (hysteroscope) is inserted through your vagina into your womb (uterus) through the cervix that projects …

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What Happens if Sentinel Node Biopsy Is Negative?

Sentinel node biopsy involves injecting a dye, called tracer material, which helps the surgeon locate the sentinel nodes. Sentinel node biopsy is a surgical procedure performed to determine if cancer has spread from the site of the primary tumor to the lymphatic system. It is mostly used in evaluating breast cancer, thyroid cancer, melanoma, and several other cancers. The sentinel …

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What Are the 5 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease? Chart

Chronic kidney disease (CKD} happens when 85-90% of your kidney gets damaged and becomes functionally impaired. Doctors have staged the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) from stage 1 to stage 5 in the increasing order of its severity. These stages are based on your glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is a test that is used to check the functioning …

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Should I Have A Sentinel Node Biopsy?

The first lymph nodes that drain lymph fluid from the primary tumor are called sentinel lymph nodes. The first lymph nodes that drain lymph fluid from the primary tumor are called sentinel lymph nodes. Experts suggest that if the sentinel nodes do not show any cancer cells, the other nodes will also be devoid of cancer. This means that there …

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What Is the Difference Between a Radical Mastectomy and Modified Radical Mastectomy?

What is a mastectomy? There are different types of mastectomies. Mastectomy is the removal of one or both breasts. You may need a mastectomy for the following reasons Breast cancer: Mastectomy is one of the mainstays of treatment for breast cancer. Preventive breast cancer: Women who have a higher risk of breast cancer due to changes in their genes (unit …

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What Is the Purpose of Performing an Obstetric Ultrasound?

Ultrasound imaging is a type of radiological assessment, also called an ultrasound scan or ultrasound sonography The purpose of performing an obstetric ultrasound is to provide a safe, non-invasive, and accurate method to clinically evaluate the pregnant uterus and fetus, right from the confirmation of a viable (alive) pregnancy to throughout the woman’s pregnancy. Ultrasound imaging is a type of radiological assessment, also called an ultrasound scan …

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