Fox News

How Do You Get Rid of a Cold Overnight?

Why do you catch a cold? You can treat a cold at home by resting and using common remedies. There are many different respiratory viruses, bacteria and other germs that can cause common cold or nasopharyngitis. Each year, one billion people in the United States get sick with a cold. More than 200 different viruses …

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How Do You Fix a Laceration on a Nail Bed?

What are nail bed injuries? An injury to the nail bed may require a trip to the ER depending on the extent of the injury. Nail bed injuries are the most common type of fingertip injuries seen in emergency rooms. Such an injury may occur if the nail bed is caught between two objects, gets crushed while hammering at a …

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How Do I Permanently Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

What do stretch marks mean? Home remedies and doctor prescribed treatments may help diminish the appearance of stretch marks. A stretch mark (striae or striae distensae) is a form of scarring on the skin with a pinkish or whitish hue that appears when your skin stretches or shrinks quickly. Collagen is a protein underneath your skin that makes it more …

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What Tests Are Done to Diagnose Autism?

The exact cause of autism is unclear. There is no single test that can be used to diagnose autism; doctors may use several different approaches to decide. When it comes to autism testing, language deficits, social deficits, and repetitive behaviors are tested: Evaluations help to rule out hearing, speech, and language problems. These evaluations are very important because autism has …

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What Is the Kestenbaum Procedure?

Kestenbaum procedure is a surgical procedure to correct the head tilt associated with nystagmus. Kestenbaum procedure is a surgical procedure to correct the head tilt associated with nystagmus. Nystagmus is a condition where the eyeballs move rapidly and uncontrollably. They are of three types: Horizontal nystagmus (side-to-side movement of eyes) Vertical nystagmus (up and down movement of eyes) Rotary nystagmus …

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What Are the Steps in Neonatal Resuscitation?

What is neonatal resuscitation? Neonatal resuscitation is used to revive a newborn who is not breathing or has other serious problems. Neonatal resuscitation is a series of emergency procedures performed by a doctor to support newborn babies who are not breathing, are gasping or have a weak heartbeat at birth. These skills allow a doctor to save the lives of …

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What age is a child considered a toddler?

What age is a child considered a toddler? A child between one and three years of age is a toddler. A child between one to three years of age is considered a toddler. This is the time that your child is progressing from being an infant to being able to attend a preschool. You will observe drastic changes in the …

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What Is the Most Common Cause of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib, AF)?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF) may be caused due to various reasons. Atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF) may be caused due to various reasons. The commonest cause includes any damage or abnormalities in the structure of the heart. The risk of AFib may increase with age. Some of the medical conditions that may cause AFib to include: After a heart …

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Nausea and Vomiting: How to Treat and Prevent It & Food Chart

How to treat nausea and vomiting There are many over-the-counter medications or prescription medications to treat vomiting. If you experience nausea, you can control it by the following methods: Drink clear or ice-cold drinks Avoid brushing your teeth after eating Eat light, bland foods such as crackers or plain bread (BRAT food) Do not mix hot and cold foods Avoid …

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Multiple Myeloma: Deadly to Chronic, 4 Stages & Treatment

What is multiple myeloma? There are 4 stages. Myeloma that doesn’t present with active symptoms is called the “smoldering stage.” It may be undetectable in the blood in this stage. Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells. The plasma cells are a type of white blood cell present in the bone marrow. Plasma cells are part of the …

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