Fox News

Do You Feel Sick With Breast Cancer? Symptoms & Treatment

Learn about breast cancer symptoms, risk factors, stages, treatment, and survival rates Breast cancer usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages. Constantly feeling sick with nausea or fatigue may be a sign that the cancer has spread. If you experience persistent nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, or unexplained weight loss, talk to your …

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How to Get Rid of Mucus in My Chest Fast: 8 Tips

Here are 8 ways to get rid of mucus in your chest at home and when to see a doctor Mucus lines the tissues of your nose, mouth, throat, and lungs and keeps these areas from drying out as well as protects them from infection. While some amount of mucus is normal, too much can cause discomfort. Here are 8 …

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EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): Benefits, Dosage, and Safety

Learn about the health benefits and potential side effects of ECGC Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a plant compound also known as catechin. Catechins are potent antioxidants that help protect cells against free radical damage. ECGC is mostly found in green tea, although it is also found in other varieties of tea (black, white, oolong). Green tea also contains other catechins, …

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Is Quinoa the World’s Healthiest Food?

What is quinoa? Quinoa is generally considered a whole grain, but it's an edible seed. Quinoa is healthy because it is brimming with nutrients and provides a unique flavor to any dish. Quinoa has become the quintessential health food in the past decade. But most people don't know why it's healthy.  Quinoa is a powerhouse whole grain packed with nutrients. …

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Mizuna: Types, Benefits, and Uses

Learn about the different types of mizuna and the 7 health benefits it has to offer Mizuna (Brassica juncea var. japonica) is a highly nutritious leafy green that is also referred to as Japanese mustard greens, kyona, water greens, and spider mustard. It belongs to the same family of cruciferous vegetables as kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Popular in Japanese …

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What Are Two Pleurae of the Lungs? Visceral vs. Parietal Pleura

The lungs do not occupy the complete pleural cavity. The two pleurae of the lungs are the visceral and parietal pleura. The pleura is a thin layer that covers the lungs and interior wall of the chest cavity.  It is a serous membrane (serosa) that covers the internal body cavities and organs and secretes fluids. It is one continuous layer …

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How Long Does Stomach Cancer Take to Develop?

Stomach cancer can be difficult to diagnose in the early stages, since symptoms are often mistaken for other gastrointestinal problems Stomach cancer typically starts in the stomach lining and grows slowly over several years without causing noticeable symptoms. Stomach cancer can be difficult to diagnose in the early stages, since if symptoms do appear, they are often mistaken for symptoms …

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Ghee vs. Butter: Which Is Healthier? (4 Benefits, Side Effects)

Butter and ghee, if consumed in moderation, are healthy. There is hardly any difference between the calories provided by ghee and butter. Both have the same vitamin and fat content. However, ghee retains most nutrients because it is treated with low heat (usually less than 100 degrees). Some other reasons why ghee has been considered healthier are: Ghee separates milk …

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Is Coconut Oil Good for Your Skin? 10 Benefits, 2 Types & Cons

Coconut oil contains several beneficial properties that can help treat many different health conditions. Though the health benefits of coconut oil consumption are well-established, its effects on the skin are predominantly based on animal or test-tube studies. Coconut oil is linked to certain potential skin benefits, such as: Providing antioxidants Moisturizing the skin Minimizing the signs of aging Boosting nutrients …

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The 11 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on the Planet: Healthy Food Diet

Nutrient-dense foods are a vital part of the diet and can aid in several different benefits. A healthy diet is not just the number of calories, but it widely relies on a range of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids for appropriate growth and development of the body.  Nutrient-dense foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, complex …

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