Fox News

What Happens After a Baby Is Born?

While you're pregnant, you may constantly think about your baby's birth. But after your baby is born, a lot is going on, and there's plenty you need to do.  The first thing both doctors and mothers focus on is skin-to-skin contact, as research has found that it helps with bonding. In most cases, the doctor will place …

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What Does a Positive PKU Test Mean? Test Results, Reasons, Risks

Positive phenylketonuria (PKU) test looks for phenylalanine levels in the blood of more than 4 mg/dL, which is considered excessive and could indicate PKU. Phenylketonuria (PKU) test or Guthrie assay is used to screen neonates (babies) for PKU, which, if not detected early and left untreated, can result in brain damage and severe intellectual disabilities. Test results may differ depending …

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What Are the 7 More Dangerous Medicines to Mix?

When you use prescription medications, make sure always to follow the recommended guidelines. Some drug interactions can have serious side effects, while others may be lethal.  Unfortunately, both intentional and unintentional drug mixing is common. To ensure the safe usage of prescription drugs and steer clear of the side effects, you should avoid these seven dangerous drug mistakes.  Alcohol and …

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What Should I Eat After A Night of Binge Eating?

What happens when you overeat? Everyone overeats once in a while. You may have feasted during a celebration or holiday season. Or you may have felt stressed and inhaled a whole bag of chips. One night of binge eating might make you feel sick, but overeating once in a while isn’t going to ruin your health. The average adult stomach …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With CLL? Symptoms, Stages

The life expectancy of patients with CLL varies widely with some patients living for 2 to 3 years after diagnosis and other patients living 5 to 10 years. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has a highly variable natural history. The survival rate varies with the stage at the time of diagnosis, existing comorbidities, age, and tolerance to cancer treatment. With promising …

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Can a Dead Tooth Be Saved? Causes & Prevention

You can save a dead tooth with a root canal procedure, which involves removing the pulp inside the dead tooth, cleaning the infection, and sealing the root You can save a dead tooth with a root canal procedure, which involves removing the pulp inside the dead tooth, cleaning the infection, and sealing the root. A permanent filling is then placed …

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What Is the Cause of Capgras Syndrome?

The exact cause of Capgras syndrome, or imposter syndrome, is unknown. It is commonly associated with Alzheimer’s or dementia Capgras syndrome, or imposter syndrome, is a complex psychological condition characterized by an irrational belief about another person’s identity. A person with the syndrome believes that a person they know has been replaced by an imposter or double. Capgras syndrome is …

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Is Facet Arthropathy Serious? Causes & Symptoms

Facet arthropathy can be painful and affect quality of life, making it serious enough to require treatment. Spine degeneration can worsen over time Facet arthropathy can be painful and affect quality of life, making it serious enough to require treatment. Over time, spine degeneration can worsen over time and facet joints cannot heal once they become damaged.  However, following your …

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What Is the Survival Rate of Harlequin Ichthyosis? Causes, Treatment

Global survival rates of harlequin ichthyosis are 50 percent; however, various studies have reported survival rates between 44 to 81 percent. The global survival rate of harlequin sepsis is about 50 percent. Various studies have reported different survival rates that range from 44 to about 81 percent. With advances in treatment strategies, many babies born with harlequin ichthyosis survive through …

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What Is the Healthiest Way to Grill?

For years, health experts have regarded grilling as one of the safest ways to prepare food, since the fat drips away during cooking. You also don't get extra calories in the form of excess oils or heavy sauces.  But is there a healthier way of grilling than you use right now? Or can you make some changes to your grilling …

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