Fox News

What Should I Ask My Doctor About Weight Loss? 11 Questions

Starting your weight loss journey by seeking help from your healthcare provider can ensure you achieve your goals safely and sustainably. With changes in lifestyle and standards of living, obesity is emerging as a pandemic.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 42 percent of adults aged 20 years and above …

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What Kills Hemorrhoids Fast? Home Remedies & Medications

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, can be painful and embarrassing. Learn about home remedies, medications, and other treatments that can kill hemorrhoids fast Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, is a common condition that occurs when veins get swollen in the rectum or anus. Although painful, symptoms of hemorrhoids can be relieved with home remedies and medications. How to get rid of …

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What Is Transperitoneal Approach Nephrectomy? Kidney Removal

Transperitoneal nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the kidney. Nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the kidney. The transperitoneal approach of a kidney is the incision through the peritoneum (the tissue that lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the abdominal organs) with the most direct access to the interspace between the common iliac vessels (large blood vessels in …

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What Are the Types of Urinary Diversions? Noncontinent vs Continent

Urinary diversion is a surgical procedure of creating a new way for the urinary exit when the urine flow is obstructed or blocked. Urinary diversion is bypassing the normal structures in the urinary tract and creating an alternative way for the flow of urine through either a replacement bladder (neobladder) or an opening in the abdominal wall (stoma). 2 types …

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What Are Fetal Alcohol and Drug-Related Syndromes? Causes, Symptoms

There is no known safe amount or period of alcohol consumption during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder (a group of symptoms) that occurs in a person due to prebirth alcohol exposure including wine, beer, and hard liquor often leading to physical, behavioral, and learning disabilities. No exact statistics are available due to …

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How Long Does GERD Take to Heal?

What is GERD? GERD is a medical condition in which acidic liquids in the stomach leak up into the esophagus. Minor cases of GERD can heal in less than a month while moderate cases can take 6 to 12 weeks of treatment. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or acid reflux, is experienced by most people throughout their lifetime. Commonly referred to …

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How Serious Is A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy?

What is a yeast infection? A yeast infection, also referred to as vaginal candidiasis, is a fungal infection caused by a type of fungus called candida. Even though a yeast infection is not a threat to you and your child, it can cause you extreme discomfort. The most common type of infection during pregnancy is a yeast infection. Pregnant people are …

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How Does a Man Deal With Menopause? 5 Tips

Many men do not fully understand menopause or feel comfortable talking about it. Learn about 5 ways men can help their partners deal with menopause Many men do not fully understand menopause or feel comfortable talking about it. However, it is important for men to learn about what causes menopause symptoms so that they can help support their partners through …

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How Do You Get Rid of a Stomach Ache Fast?

How to soothe stomach aches Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. Get rid of a stomach ache fast with rest, hydration, medicines, and by using a heating pad. Abdominal pain is pretty common in both adults and children. Since it can cause discomfort and stress to your child, …

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How Can I Improve the Health of My Skin? 30 Skincare Tips

Learn the 30 tips that can help you improve the health of your skin below. Healthy, glowing skin is often a result of genes and efforts you invest in your overall health. Developing a good skincare routine is an effective way to improve the health of your skin. To start a skin routine, you must determine your skin type and …

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