How Do You Stop Delayed Ejaculation? Causes, Treatment

Delayed ejaculation
Treatment of delayed ejaculation primarily depends on the underlying cause but may involve lifestyle modifications, medications, and counseling.

The treatment of delayed ejaculation primarily depends on the underlying cause.

Treatment may involve lifestyle modifications, medications, and counseling.

  • Lifestyle modifications: Alcohol and certain other substance of abuse can cause problems with ejaculation. You may take a professional’s help to quit taking alcohol or illicit drug use. Taking a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and being open with your partner about your sexual concerns may also help.
  • Medications: Your doctor may prescribe alternatives for or change dosages of medications that may potentially cause delayed ejaculation. You must not alter their dosages or stop taking them unless advised by your doctor. Medications, such as testosterone therapy or prolactin-lowering drugs, may be administered in cases where hormonal imbalances are the cause. Other medications may be administered depending on the underlying reasons for delayed ejaculation.
  • Devices: If nerve injuries are the cause of delayed ejaculation, devices, such as vacuum pumps or vibrators, may help. They are placed at the tip of or along the penis and stimulate the nerves to achieve ejaculation.
  • Psychological therapy: A sexual therapist may counsel you and your partner to explore the reasons that may be causing delayed ejaculation. This may help derive an appropriate management plan for your condition. Therapists may help improve communication and emotional and sexual bonding between you and your partner.
  • Surgery: Surgery may be required in certain cases. These include men with some blockage in the genitourinary tract or prolactin hormone-secreting tumors.

Delayed ejaculation needs to be assessed by a doctor. You must especially consult a doctor if:

  • You have never ejaculated through any form of physical stimulation (including masturbation, intercourse, and wet dreams).
  • The delayed ejaculation is causing stress, anxiety, or problems in your relationship.
  • You are on any medications or have a disease that is known to cause sexual dysfunction.

What is delayed ejaculation?

Ejaculation means the release of semen from the penis due to sexual arousal. Delayed ejaculation is a condition in which ejaculation takes too long to occur or does not occur at all. 

  • The time taken to achieve ejaculation varies, but, normally, it is achieved within a few minutes of physical stimulation.
  • In delayed ejaculation, the time to achieve ejaculation may be over 30 minutes.

It may cause varying problems due to the inability to achieve orgasm. Although delayed ejaculation may be a normal occasional occurrence, it becomes a problem when it is persistent or worsening.

Delayed ejaculation may cause considerable frustration in men and their partners. The affected man may not achieve ejaculation through vaginal sex and need to masturbate to achieve orgasm. Many men, however, may not achieve orgasm from any form of stimulation.

What causes delayed ejaculation?

The cause of delayed ejaculation may include:

  • Psychological factors, such as performance anxiety, the feeling of guilt, lack of attraction toward the partner, or other relationship issues
  • Religious or cultural factors that consider sex as a sin or taboo
  • Certain medications (such as some blood pressure medications, antidepressants, and antiseizure medications)
  • Nerve damage due to injury or diseases, such as diabetes and prostate hypertrophy
  • Blockage in the genitourinary tract due to stones or adhesions
  • Genitourinary infections
  • Hormonal imbalances (such as low thyroid hormone or testosterone levels or high prolactin levels)
  • Excess alcohol intake
  • Side effects of certain surgeries in the pelvis (such as prostate removal surgery)

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How Do You Stop Delayed Ejaculation? Causes, Treatment

Delayed ejaculation
Treatment of delayed ejaculation primarily depends on the underlying cause but may involve lifestyle modifications, medications, and counseling.

The treatment of delayed ejaculation primarily depends on the underlying cause.

Treatment may involve lifestyle modifications, medications, and counseling.

  • Lifestyle modifications: Alcohol and certain other substance of abuse can cause problems with ejaculation. You may take a professional’s help to quit taking alcohol or illicit drug use. Taking a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and being open with your partner about your sexual concerns may also help.
  • Medications: Your doctor may prescribe alternatives for or change dosages of medications that may potentially cause delayed ejaculation. You must not alter their dosages or stop taking them unless advised by your doctor. Medications, such as testosterone therapy or prolactin-lowering drugs, may be administered in cases where hormonal imbalances are the cause. Other medications may be administered depending on the underlying reasons for delayed ejaculation.
  • Devices: If nerve injuries are the cause of delayed ejaculation, devices, such as vacuum pumps or vibrators, may help. They are placed at the tip of or along the penis and stimulate the nerves to achieve ejaculation.
  • Psychological therapy: A sexual therapist may counsel you and your partner to explore the reasons that may be causing delayed ejaculation. This may help derive an appropriate management plan for your condition. Therapists may help improve communication and emotional and sexual bonding between you and your partner.
  • Surgery: Surgery may be required in certain cases. These include men with some blockage in the genitourinary tract or prolactin hormone-secreting tumors.

Delayed ejaculation needs to be assessed by a doctor. You must especially consult a doctor if:

  • You have never ejaculated through any form of physical stimulation (including masturbation, intercourse, and wet dreams).
  • The delayed ejaculation is causing stress, anxiety, or problems in your relationship.
  • You are on any medications or have a disease that is known to cause sexual dysfunction.

What is delayed ejaculation?

Ejaculation means the release of semen from the penis due to sexual arousal. Delayed ejaculation is a condition in which ejaculation takes too long to occur or does not occur at all. 

  • The time taken to achieve ejaculation varies, but, normally, it is achieved within a few minutes of physical stimulation.
  • In delayed ejaculation, the time to achieve ejaculation may be over 30 minutes.

It may cause varying problems due to the inability to achieve orgasm. Although delayed ejaculation may be a normal occasional occurrence, it becomes a problem when it is persistent or worsening.

Delayed ejaculation may cause considerable frustration in men and their partners. The affected man may not achieve ejaculation through vaginal sex and need to masturbate to achieve orgasm. Many men, however, may not achieve orgasm from any form of stimulation.

What causes delayed ejaculation?

The cause of delayed ejaculation may include:

  • Psychological factors, such as performance anxiety, the feeling of guilt, lack of attraction toward the partner, or other relationship issues
  • Religious or cultural factors that consider sex as a sin or taboo
  • Certain medications (such as some blood pressure medications, antidepressants, and antiseizure medications)
  • Nerve damage due to injury or diseases, such as diabetes and prostate hypertrophy
  • Blockage in the genitourinary tract due to stones or adhesions
  • Genitourinary infections
  • Hormonal imbalances (such as low thyroid hormone or testosterone levels or high prolactin levels)
  • Excess alcohol intake
  • Side effects of certain surgeries in the pelvis (such as prostate removal surgery)

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