How Do You Get Rid of a Stomach Ache Fast?

How to soothe stomach aches

Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. Get rid of a stomach ache fast with rest, hydration, medicines, and by using a heating pad.
Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. Get rid of a stomach ache fast with rest, hydration, medicines, and by using a heating pad.

Abdominal pain is pretty common in both adults and children. Since it can cause discomfort and stress to your child, it's essential to know how to soothe a child's stomach ache. Likewise, you should know about home care and over-the-counter medications for stomach aches in adults. 

Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. While it's called stomach ache, it could be due to another organ in this region. You can soothe stomach aches with home care and over-the-counter medications. The proper course of action depends on the cause of the stomach ache. 


The most important thing for recovery from a stomach ache is rest. It helps to lie face down to relieve the pain caused by gas. However, if you prefer another position, it's OK to rest that way. 


Although staying hydrated is very important, you should not force fluids. If someone with a stomach ache is also nauseated, they will not be able to keep down the fluids. 

Instead, take small amounts of fluids every 15 to 20 minutes. Avoid carbonated, fatty, or caffeinated drinks, such as coffee or tea, and sugary drinks like sports drinks, fruit juices, and milk. 

Heating pad

Applying a heating pad to the site of pain is a quick fix in most cases. The heat reduces inflammation and loosens muscles in the body, facilitating pain relief. Put a heating pad on the site of pain for 15 to 20 minutes. Use it at spaced intervals. 


While other home care tips might take longer to work, medicines can show results in a few minutes. Take painkillers, like paracetamol/acetaminophen, to soothe a stomach ache. 

Make sure you're not taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin unless a doctor has recommended them for you. Depending on the cause of the stomach ache, these medicines can make the pain worse. If the stomach ache is due to indigestion, the following medications are helpful: 

  • Antacids: They neutralize the acid in your stomach, providing quick relief.  
  • H2 Blockers: These medicines lower the amount of acid produced in the stomach. 
  • Proton Pump InhibitorsYour doctor may recommend these to you if you have heartburn

Indigestion can also cause discomfort in the upper abdomen of children. However, don't give antacids or other such medications to children. 

If they have a fever, you can give Panadol, Tylenol, or Children's Silapap to control it. Don't administer antibiotics to your child unless instructed by a doctor. 

Instead, keep them hydrated. Once they can eat something, start with a small, bland meal. 

When to see a doctor 

Abdominal pain is mostly manageable at home. But if it's too severe, you need to call a doctor immediately. Look for these symptoms: 

If a child has been vomiting for more than 24 hours or has a high fever, you should take them to a doctor. In the case of mild symptoms, a family doctor can tell you how to soothe a child's stomach ache. 

Keep in mind that undiagnosed and untreated stomach pain can lead to more serious health issues. If home care and natural remedies are not working, seek medical attention immediately. 

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How Do You Get Rid of a Stomach Ache Fast?

How to soothe stomach aches

Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. Get rid of a stomach ache fast with rest, hydration, medicines, and by using a heating pad.
Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. Get rid of a stomach ache fast with rest, hydration, medicines, and by using a heating pad.

Abdominal pain is pretty common in both adults and children. Since it can cause discomfort and stress to your child, it's essential to know how to soothe a child's stomach ache. Likewise, you should know about home care and over-the-counter medications for stomach aches in adults. 

Stomach ache or abdominal pain refers to pain and discomfort in any area from the ribs to the pelvis. While it's called stomach ache, it could be due to another organ in this region. You can soothe stomach aches with home care and over-the-counter medications. The proper course of action depends on the cause of the stomach ache. 


The most important thing for recovery from a stomach ache is rest. It helps to lie face down to relieve the pain caused by gas. However, if you prefer another position, it's OK to rest that way. 


Although staying hydrated is very important, you should not force fluids. If someone with a stomach ache is also nauseated, they will not be able to keep down the fluids. 

Instead, take small amounts of fluids every 15 to 20 minutes. Avoid carbonated, fatty, or caffeinated drinks, such as coffee or tea, and sugary drinks like sports drinks, fruit juices, and milk. 

Heating pad

Applying a heating pad to the site of pain is a quick fix in most cases. The heat reduces inflammation and loosens muscles in the body, facilitating pain relief. Put a heating pad on the site of pain for 15 to 20 minutes. Use it at spaced intervals. 


While other home care tips might take longer to work, medicines can show results in a few minutes. Take painkillers, like paracetamol/acetaminophen, to soothe a stomach ache. 

Make sure you're not taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin unless a doctor has recommended them for you. Depending on the cause of the stomach ache, these medicines can make the pain worse. If the stomach ache is due to indigestion, the following medications are helpful: 

  • Antacids: They neutralize the acid in your stomach, providing quick relief.  
  • H2 Blockers: These medicines lower the amount of acid produced in the stomach. 
  • Proton Pump InhibitorsYour doctor may recommend these to you if you have heartburn

Indigestion can also cause discomfort in the upper abdomen of children. However, don't give antacids or other such medications to children. 

If they have a fever, you can give Panadol, Tylenol, or Children's Silapap to control it. Don't administer antibiotics to your child unless instructed by a doctor. 

Instead, keep them hydrated. Once they can eat something, start with a small, bland meal. 

When to see a doctor 

Abdominal pain is mostly manageable at home. But if it's too severe, you need to call a doctor immediately. Look for these symptoms: 

If a child has been vomiting for more than 24 hours or has a high fever, you should take them to a doctor. In the case of mild symptoms, a family doctor can tell you how to soothe a child's stomach ache. 

Keep in mind that undiagnosed and untreated stomach pain can lead to more serious health issues. If home care and natural remedies are not working, seek medical attention immediately. 

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