Why Do You Get Raynaud’s Disease? Causes & Symptoms

Why Do You Get Raynaud's Disease
Raynaud's disease is caused by oversensitivity to cold or stress, causing your blood vessels to narrow and restrict blood flow to your extremities

Raynaud's disease causes your fingers or toes to respond to cold temperatures or stress by turning white to blue, then red as blood flow returns to the extremities. The condition is caused by blood vessels narrowing and restricting blood flow. 

Raynaud's disease is believed to be caused by oversensitivity to cold or stress. Although the fingers and toes are most commonly affected, it can also affect the ears, nose, lips, and nipples.

Discoloration of skin occurs due to reduced blood flow to the local tissues caused by the abnormal vessel spasms. Affected areas of the body initially turn white because of hypoxia and reduced blood flow. They then turn blue indicating cyanosis due to prolonged lack of oxygen. Finally, the blood vessels reopen, causing a flush phenomenon around the local area that turns the area red. 

Women are more likely to have Raynaud's disease, and it is more common in people who live in colder climates.

The following conditions are often associated with Raynaud's disease:

What are the symptoms of Raynaud’s disease?

Patients with mild form of Raynaud's disease may only notice skin discoloration upon cold exposure. If sustained blood vessel spasms occur, the sensory nerves become irritated by the lack of oxygen and can cause pain in the involved digits. 

Signs of Raynaud's disease may include:

  • Cold fingers or toes
  • Skin discoloration 
  • Mild tingling and numbness
  • Stinging pain
  • Prickly sensations

How is Raynaud’s disease treated?

Treatment of Raynaud’s disease depends on the severity of symptoms, as well as the person’s age and overall health. In most cases, symptoms can be managed conservatively:

  • Limiting exposure to cold
  • Keeping the extremities warm with gloves, socks, scarf, or hat
  • Quitting smoking
  • Wearing finger guards
  • Protecting hands from trauma or vibrations
  • Taking blood pressure medications such as vasodilators and calcium channel blockers during the winter months to help reduce blood vessel constriction

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