What Does the Start of a Migraine Feel Like? Signs & Symptoms

What Does the Start of a Migraine Feel Like
Warning signs of amigraine may include increased urination, constipation, food cravings, mood changes, tiredness, and sensitivity to light or sound

Warning signs that a migraine is coming on may include:

What are typical migraine symptoms?

Migraine is a debilitating neurological disease characterized by one-sided throbbing pain that is often associated with nausea and visual disturbances triggered by movement, light, smells, and sound. Symptoms typically include:

What are the stages of a migraine?

Migraines may go through four stages, although this varies from person to person. 

1. Prodrome

Also known as a “preheadache” or premonitory phase, prodrome may last a few hours to days, with symptoms such as:

2. Aura

Some people experience an aura before or during a migraine attack that lasts for 10-60 minutes and may include symptoms such as:

3. Attack 

During a migraine attack, you may experience drilling, throbbing, or pulsating headache on one side of the head that lasts for 4-72 hours.

4. Postdrome

About 80% of people with migraines experience a postdrome phase or migraine “hangover” characterized by:

What are different types of migraine?

  • Common migraine (migraine without aura): Most common type of migraine, in which there is no aura phase.
  • Migraine with aura (previously called complicated migraine): About 15%-20% of people experience aura with migraines.
  • Migraine with brainstem aura: Headache along with other symptoms such as vertigo, slurred speech, double vision, loss of balance, ringing in the ears, and vomiting.
  • Silent or acephalgic migraine: Aura symptoms are not typically followed by headaches.
  • Hemiplegic migraine: Headache is associated with temporary numbness, extreme weakness or hemiplegia (temporary paralysis on one side of the body), tingling, loss of sensation, and dizziness or vision changes.
  • Ocular or retinal migraine: Involves partial or complete loss of vision in one of the eyes, along with a dull ache behind the eyes along with a headache.
  • Chronic migraine: Occurs at least 15 days a month with varying severity.
  • Status migrainosus: Rare and severe type of migraine that lasts longer than 72 hours.


Who suffers more frequently from migraine headaches?
See Answer

What can trigger a migraine?

Commonly reported migraine triggers include:

  • Stress (anxiety and excitement can increase muscle tension, dilate blood vessels, and release certain chemicals, leading to an attack.)
  • Missing or skipping a meal
  • Sensitivity to certain foods (aged cheese, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, food additives such as nitrates, and fermented or pickled foods)
  • Caffeine (excessive coffee consumption or withdrawal from caffeine)
  • Routine use of pain-relief medications
  • Flashing lights
  • Loud noises
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Overexertion
  • Being tired
  • Perfumes and strong odors
  • Excessive dieting 
  • Change in weather conditions or changes in altitude
  • Hormonal changes 
  • Certain medications

What are risk factors for migraines?

Risk factors that make someone more vulnerable to developing migraine headaches include:

  • Gender: Women ages 15-55 are 3 times more likely to develop migraines than men.
  • Genes: About 80% of people with migraines have a first-degree relative with the condition or a family history of migraine.
  • Stress: Stress can act as both a causative and triggering factor.
  • Smoking: People who smoke are more prone to migraines than those who do not smoke.

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Migraine Treatments:
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How are migraines treated?

While migraines cannot be cured, symptoms can be improved with certain measures. 

Abortive approach

Preventive approach

  • Avoid food triggers 
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Manage stress
  • Practice meditation (breathe deeply and slowly to relax each group of muscles for at least 10 minutes every day)
  • Keep a migraine journal to note your triggers, type of pain, severity, and duration of various stages

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