What Causes Early Ejaculation? Premature Ejaculation

What Causes Early Ejaculation
Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is often caused by a combination of physical, chemical, emotional, and psychological factors

Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is often caused by a combination of physical, chemical, emotional, and psychological factors. 

Physical or chemical factors may include:

Emotional or psychological factors may include:

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction in which a man orgasms less than a minute after starting sexual intercourse. While premature ejaculation is common, affecting at least 40% of men at some point in their lives, it can lead to frustration and embarrassment. 

According to the American Urological Association, ejaculation can be defined as premature if it occurs sooner than desired, usually soon after penetration, and can also occur during masturbation.

How is premature ejaculation treated?

Premature ejaculation can be effectively treated depending on the cause:

  • Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy involves using different techniques to delay ejaculation, such as the squeezing method, start-stop method, or distraction method.
  • Couples therapy: Couples therapy and counseling can help both partners address emotional or relationship issues that could be contributing to the condition
  • Stress reduction: If premature ejaculation is caused by stress or anxiety, aromatherapy, massage, or other relaxation methods may help.
  • Medications: Doctors may recommend numbing spray or medications to reduce penis sensitivity.
  • Management of underlying conditions: Treating conditions such as erectile dysfunction, diabetes, vascular disorders, and benign prostate hypertrophy can help treat early ejaculation.

Consult a specialist who can help create a treatment plan and offer medical advice for your condition.

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What Causes Early Ejaculation? Premature Ejaculation

What Causes Early Ejaculation
Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is often caused by a combination of physical, chemical, emotional, and psychological factors

Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is often caused by a combination of physical, chemical, emotional, and psychological factors. 

Physical or chemical factors may include:

Emotional or psychological factors may include:

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction in which a man orgasms less than a minute after starting sexual intercourse. While premature ejaculation is common, affecting at least 40% of men at some point in their lives, it can lead to frustration and embarrassment. 

According to the American Urological Association, ejaculation can be defined as premature if it occurs sooner than desired, usually soon after penetration, and can also occur during masturbation.

How is premature ejaculation treated?

Premature ejaculation can be effectively treated depending on the cause:

  • Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy involves using different techniques to delay ejaculation, such as the squeezing method, start-stop method, or distraction method.
  • Couples therapy: Couples therapy and counseling can help both partners address emotional or relationship issues that could be contributing to the condition
  • Stress reduction: If premature ejaculation is caused by stress or anxiety, aromatherapy, massage, or other relaxation methods may help.
  • Medications: Doctors may recommend numbing spray or medications to reduce penis sensitivity.
  • Management of underlying conditions: Treating conditions such as erectile dysfunction, diabetes, vascular disorders, and benign prostate hypertrophy can help treat early ejaculation.

Consult a specialist who can help create a treatment plan and offer medical advice for your condition.

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