Tag Archives: triple-negative breast cancer

Is It Okay to Take Blood Pressure Multiple Times? Hypertension

International hypertension societies recommend taking multiple blood pressure measurements over several days. International hypertension societies recommend taking multiple blood pressure measurements over several days, under comparable conditions, and at the same time of day (morning and evening), and then calculating the mean value of these measurements. Individual blood pressure is represented by this average value. …

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When Might COVID-19 Booster Shot Side Effects Start? Omicron Variant

Typically vaccine-related side effects are reported within 24 to 48 hours of taking the vaccine. Most people report vaccine-related side effects within 24 to 48 hours of taking the vaccine.  Most side effects are mild and need no active intervention, which includes: fatigue, pain at the injection site, fever less than 102°F, headache, flu-like symptoms, muscle ache, chills and diarrhea. …

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Can Anxiety Make You Feel Feverish? Anxiety Symptoms

In some cases, anxiety can make you feel feverish without actually increasing your body temperature. In other cases, it can cause a recordable fever In some cases, anxiety can make you feel feverish without actually increasing your body temperature. In other cases, it can cause a recordable fever.  Fever is defined as a body temperature of 100.4 F or more …

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How Do I Know if I Have Throat Cancer? 5 Signs, Types, Diagnosis

5 early signs of throat cancer Here are the 5 early signs of throat cancer, which include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, changes in the voice, unexplained weight loss, and neck mass. Sore throat Sore throat is a common symptom seen in various conditions caused by infection or inflammation of the throat. Sore throat due to throat cancer lasts longer than …

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How Long Does Headache Last With COVID-19? COVID-19 Symptoms

COVID-19 headaches typically last for a few days, although the duration depends on your age, immune system, and overall health condition Headache is a potential symptom of COVID-19 and can also occur after getting vaccinated. COVID-19 headaches typically last for a few days, although the duration depends on your age, immune system, and overall health condition. In mild cases of …

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What Are Nootropics? Benefits, Chart, Side Effects

Nootropics or smart drugs are nutritional supplements that enhance brain performance and mental functions. Nootropics or smart drugs are nutritional supplements that enhance brain performance and mental functions, including: Memory Motivation Concentration Attention There are two types of nootropics available in the market—prescription and over-the-counter (OTC). Prescription nootropics are recommended in the treatment of certain medical conditions, which include: Alzheimer’s …

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What Is the Omicron Variant? Symptoms, COVID-19, Vaccine

Omicron (aka B.1.1.529) is a variant of the COVID-19 virus that was recently discovered in South Africa. Omicron has been designated as a variant of concern by the World Health Organization (WHO). The new COVID-19 Omicron variant aka B.1.1.529, discovered in South Africa and identified in Israel, has numerous mutations in critical parts of its spike protein. Scientists who assisted …

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Will a Clogged Ear Go Away by Itself? 8 Remedies

A clogged ear is typically temporary, and your ear will likely clear on its own within a few hours or days depending on the cause While a clogged ear may not necessarily be painful, it can be frustrating, especially if it muffles your hearing. But a clogged ear is typically temporary, and your ear will likely clear on its own …

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Will a Clogged Tear Duct Heal on Its Own? 11 Causes

In adults, a clogged tear duct will typically heal on its own unless it becomes infected. Learn about symptoms, causes, and treatment options In adults, a clogged tear duct will typically heal on its own unless it becomes infected. You can open up a blocked tear duct with a combination of warm compress and massage. Babies, however, may require medical …

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Does Walking Help C-Section Recovery? 10 Tips, Exercises

Walking after a cesarean delivery is regarded as an important part of recovery exercise. Walking after a cesarean delivery is regarded as an important part of recovery exercise. It is critical to move around as much as possible after the delivery, such as going for a short walk or walking around the house. This eases you back into physical activity …

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