Tag Archives: pregnancy

How Can You Get In Shape While Pregnant?

Consult with your doctor before starting Staying healthy can make pregnancy more comfortable and make labor and the postpartum period easier. Talk to your doctor about staying in shape while pregnant to design a nutrition and exercise plan. For pregnant women, staying healthy can make your pregnancy more comfortable, labor more manageable, and postpartum health …

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How Does Pregnancy Affect Mental Health?

How pregnancy affects mental health Pregnancy can be a time of great joy and happiness. Different women respond to pregnancy differently, but pregnancy can affect some womens' mental health negatively. For an expecting parent, pregnancy can be a time of great joy and happiness. Though that's true in most cases, it's important to know that pregnancy can also have a …

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How Do I Know If I Can Have a Vaginal Birth?

Some C-sections are medically necessary and can't be avoided. However, there are some things you can do to reduce your chances of needing a C-section if this is your first pregnancy. Almost 1 in 3 women who give birth in the US have a C-section. While some women know ahead of time they'll have a C-section, many won't know until …

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How Do I Deal With Pregnancy in the Summer Heat?

When you’re dealing with a summer pregnancy, it’s important to limit activities that raise your core temperature. The heat of summer can be uncomfortable for many people. But when you’re pregnant, summer heat waves can easily turn into overheating. This can lead to health risks for you and your baby.  How can summer heat affect your pregnancy? Body changes during …

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How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting Pregnant With Twins?

How does a twin pregnancy happen? Do not leave having twins to chance. Increase the chances of getting pregnant with twins by getting pregnant in your 30s or later; finding a partner with a family history of twins; increasing your weight; breastfeeding regularly; consuming dairy products; and getting pregnant repeatedly. You shouldn’t leave having twins to chance — having twice …

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Why Do Doctors Tell You Not to Push During Labor?

Labor and delivery practices Labor is the process that prepares a woman to deliver her baby into the world. Doctors tell a woman not to push during labor because she is not ready, there may be a problem with the baby or she may have had an epidural. Your doctor might tell you not to push during labor if you’re …

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What Happens If You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? Breastfeeding inhibits ovulation to some extent. However, it is still possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. You’ve probably heard that breastfeeding is a form of birth control, but that may not be the whole story. If you recently had a baby and are breastfeeding, you probably have many questions on your mind. One of …

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What Happens If You Drink Alcohol While Pregnant?

Effects of alcohol If you are pregnant, drinking alcohol can affect your baby. Drinking alcohol while pregnant affects your mood; damages your heart, liver, pancreas, and immune system; increases the risk of cancer and increases your risk of miscarriage. If you are pregnant, drinking alcohol can affect you and your baby. Any form of alcohol, including beer or wine, can …

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What Happens in the Third Trimester Pregnancy?

What is the third trimester? In the third trimester, you and your baby undergo many changes. In the third trimester, you may experience acid reflux, trouble breathing, tender breasts, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, edema, low blood pressure and other symptoms. In your pregnancy’s third trimester, you and your baby undergo many bodily changes. These last three months of pregnancy can make …

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How Likely Is It To Get Pregnant with an IUD?

What is an IUD? Getting pregnant while you have an IUD is extremely rare. There is one out of a hundred chances that this could happen. However, it has happened before. An IUD is a mistake-proof form of contraceptive. There is no way that you will forget to take it, like a birth control pill. Neither is it very likely …

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