What is an IUD? Getting pregnant while you have an IUD is extremely rare. There is one out of a hundred chances that this could happen. However, it has happened before. An IUD is a mistake-proof form of contraceptive. There is no way that you will forget to take it, like a birth control pill. …
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How Do You Find Out if You Are Able to Get Pregnant?
Factors considered when checking fertility Most women dream to carry and deliver a healthy baby someday. Unfortunately, not every woman is able to get pregnant. There are many ways you can find out if you have the ability to do so. Most women dream to carry and deliver a healthy baby someday. Unfortunately, not every woman is able to get …
Read More »What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with Precum?
Is withdrawal (pulling out) effective? Men involuntarily release precum, or pre-ejaculatory fluid, shortly before they have an orgasm and ejaculate. The chances of getting pregnant with precum and the pull out method are approximately 22 percent, but the actual rate is difficult to predict. Men involuntarily release precum, also called pre-ejaculatory fluid, shortly before they have an orgasm and ejaculate. …
Read More »How Can I Stop Vomiting During Pregnancy?
Things to try at home for morning sickness Nausea and vomiting happen during pregnancy and are called morning sickness. Stop vomiting during pregnancy by using ginger, acupressure wristbands, diet management, lifestyle management, vitamin B6 and doxylamine and by managing triggers. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is often called morning sickness because it sometimes happens earlier in the day. However, it …
Read More »How Long Does It Take to Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy?
Your body after delivery Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. It takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get your body back after pregnancy and delivery. Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy and after delivery, and it takes time for your body to recover and readjust. It's normal …
Read More »How Much Sleep Should a Pregnant Woman Get in Second Trimester Pregnancy?
Sleep and the second trimester On average, you will get seven and a half hours of sleep per night during the second trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy affects you in many ways. One of the effects is a change in your sleeping patterns. Being pregnant is tiring for your body, causing physical discomfort and emotional stress. These two factors can lead …
Read More »How Long Do Babies Have Their Mother’s Immune System?
Babies can enjoy extended protection from their mother's immune systems for a great deal longer if they are breastfed. When babies are first born, their immune systems are not yet fully matured. This can mean they're more vulnerable to infections or illnesses. There are two ways in which a newborn baby's immune system is supported until it is strong enough …
Read More »What Causes Macrosomia? 8 Potential Causes
8 Potential causes of macrosomia When a baby is much larger than average, it can cause childbirth complications. Learn about what causes fetal macrosomia and how it can be diagnosed Macrosomia is a term used to describe a newborn who is much larger and weighs more than average. On average, babies weigh between 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and 8 pounds, …
Read More »What Happens in the 2nd Trimester Pregnancy??
What is the second trimester? The second trimester of pregnancy is often the most comfortable for women. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman experiences a growing belly, body pains, melasma, bleeding gums, dizziness, carpel tunnel syndrome, swelling and other changes. The first three months of pregnancy can be the hardest for moms-to-be. But the next three months, or …
Read More »Is It Normal to Have Headaches in Second Trimester Pregnancy?
Types of headaches Many women experience headaches during pregnancy. Headaches tend to be worse during the first trimester and they get better in the second and third trimesters although some women still experience headaches during the second trimester. Many women experience headaches during pregnancy. In most cases, they’re painful and unpleasant but won’t harm your baby. But a severe headache …
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