Tag Archives: healthy kids

What Causes Fragile X Syndrome?

What causes fragile X syndrome? Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition that leads to developmental delays and other problems. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder. It is passed down from parents to their children. A genetic disorder means the genes of either parent are faulty. A gene is the basic unit of …

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Why Is Meconium Ileus Diagnostic for Cystic Fibrosis?

What does meconium ileus mean? Meconium ileus is an obstruction in the small intestine caused by thick, congealed meconium, the first stool passed by a newborn baby. Cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder, is a common cause of this problem. Meconium ileus is an obstruction in the small intestine caused by thick, congealed meconium. Meconium is the first stool passed by …

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What Does A Heel Stick Test For?

What is a heel stick? The heel stick test for newborns is a quick prick on the heel of the baby using a lancet. This is the least traumatic way to draw blood from infants for routine testing. Heel stick is the most common and minimally invasive method to draw capillary blood from an infant for medical testing. Capillaries are …

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Why Would A Newborn Need A Ventilator?

What is assisted ventilation of the newborn? Some babies may have trouble breathing. Respiratory distress or failure may be the result of underdeveloped lungs or a congenital condition. The mechanical ventilator provides oxygen until the baby can breathe unassisted. Assisted ventilation of the newborn is a procedure to assist and stabilize a newborn’s breathing until the baby’s respiratory system starts …

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What age is a child considered a toddler?

What age is a child considered a toddler? A child between one and three years of age is a toddler. A child between one to three years of age is considered a toddler. This is the time that your child is progressing from being an infant to being able to attend a preschool. You will observe drastic changes in the …

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What Are the Steps in Neonatal Resuscitation?

What is neonatal resuscitation? Neonatal resuscitation is used to revive a newborn who is not breathing or has other serious problems. Neonatal resuscitation is a series of emergency procedures performed by a doctor to support newborn babies who are not breathing, are gasping or have a weak heartbeat at birth. These skills allow a doctor to save the lives of …

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What Is a Heel Stick Test?

What is a heel stick test? The heel stick test is done on all newborns. The heel-stick test is a simple method to collect a newborn baby’s blood by pricking their heel to screen for certain diseases. It is usually performed as soon as possible after the baby’s birth. During this test, a small amount of blood is collected with …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With Noonan Syndrome?

What is the life expectancy of someone with Noonan syndrome? The long-term prognosis of people with Noonan syndrome is variable. There is a wide range in the severity of signs and symptoms in people with Noonan syndrome (NS). Therefore, the prognosis (long-term outlook) of this disease may vary in every case. NS is a genetic (heredity) disorder. It may be …

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Problems When Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding issues Experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is six months. Breast milk is the best diet for infants. Breastfeeding has several health benefits for the mother and her baby; moreover, it also builds an emotional bonding between them. Experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is six months. This means that apart from breastmilk, the baby should not …

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What Does Amniocentesis Test For?

Amniocentesis can test for various conditions in the baby while still in the uterus Amniocentesis is a procedure in which a small amount of amniotic fluid (the fluid present around the unborn baby in the uterus) is removed for testing or treatment purposes. The amniotic fluid contains fetal cells and various proteins. Analyzing the fetal cells in the amniotic fluid …

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