Tag Archives: healthy kids

What Challenges Do Blended Families Face?

What is a blended family? A blended family is one made of parents and children from previous relationships. Blended families face challenges including learning how to adjust to their new roles, learning how to parent stepchildren, and adapting to the new family structure. The rising rate of divorce and change of family patterns are increasing …

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When Should Parents Tell Their Kids the Truth About Santa Claus and Other Holiday Mascots?

You may celebrate different holidays and events with your children by sharing stories about pretend holiday mascots like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Telling your children the truth about these may be difficult, but should be gentle, and happen when they start realizing the truth themselves. You may celebrate holidays with your children by sharing stories …

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What Should a New Dad Expect After a Baby Is Born?

Becoming a new dad can be stressful as there are many unknowns like adjusting to a new routine, worrying about finances, and how to care for a newborn. For many couples, the transition from the honeymoon and early marriage to parenthood is difficult. It’s no secret that all relationships take work. This is no exception when you and your partner …

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How Much Screen Time Should Kids Have? Age by Age Guide

Downsides of long screen time Pediatricians and child psychologists have recommended setting screen time limits for children. The limits generally vary based on the age group of the children. Screens have become a ubiquitous fact of modern life for adults, teens, and young children. Laptops, devices, and mobile phones can help everybody work, play, and communicate. But major screen time …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of a Person With Klinefelter Syndrome?

Klinefelter syndrome (KS) can shorten life expectancy up to 2 years depending on whether complications associated with the condition develop According to studies, Klinefelter syndrome (KS) can shorten life expectancy up to 2 years depending on whether complications associated with the condition develop. Early detection and treatment, including special educational interventions, may improve the outlook of this disease. What is …

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How to Cope With School Stress

Students of all ages experience stress related to school. Some coping strategies like taking breaks from technology, sleeping, practicing deep breathing and stretching may help young students. Students of all ages experience stress related to school. Learn how to cope with school stress at any age. Reasons for school-related stress There are many reasons for school stress, including: Demands of …

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How Can I Help My Baby With Feeding Problems?

Understanding minor feeding problems in babies Nearly half of children who develop normally have eating problems, whereas nearly 80% of children with developmental delays have eating problems. Help your baby with feeding problems by feeding smaller portions, focusing on the positive and providing pediatrician-recommended nutritional supplements. If your baby has a feeding problem, they may struggle to stay hydrated and …

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When Should I Worry About My Child’s Development?

What are the types of developmental delays? Parents often look forward to watching their children reach new milestones. Developmental milestones cover different skill areas such as walking, talking, and critical thinking. When these skills seem to be delayed in your child, it can be alarming. Many times, delays can be overcome through early intervention, but delayed milestones can also serve …

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What Are the Qualities of a Good Parent?

While every child has individual needs, authoritative parenting strategies will benefit almost every child. Parents should express love and affection, set limits, and maintain a cordial relationship with their kids. Parenting styles have been extensively studied for decades. How you parent your children has a tremendous impact on their future success and relationships. Parenting methods are typically categorized into four …

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What Are the Advantages of a Single-Parent Family?

Children in a single-parent family can be just as happy as those in a two-parent family. You can build a great relationship with your child and make them an independent individual. Being a single parent can be difficult. But there are several single parenting advantages. Children in a single-parent family can be just as happy as those in a two-parent …

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