potassium citrate (Urocit-K) Supplement Side Effects & Dosage

What is potassium citrate-oral tablet, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Potassium citrate is a urinary alkalinizing
medication. It makes urine less acidic. Potassium citrate works by crystallizing
stone-forming salts such as calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and uric acid
within the urinary bladder by increasing the urinary pH and urine citrate
levels. Urocit-k was approved in August 1985.

What brand names are available for potassium citrate-oral tablet?


Is potassium citrate-oral tablet available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for potassium citrate-oral tablet?


What are the side effects of potassium citrate-oral tablet?

Side effects of potassium citrate are:

Potassium supplements can cause bleeding or perforation of the stomach
or small intestine from ulcers, and narrowing (stricture) of the small intestine
from healed ulcers.

What is the dosage for potassium citrate-oral tablet?

Dosing of potassium citrate is based on urinary citrate levels.

Mild to moderate hypocitraturia (Urinary citrate greater than 150 mg/day):

  • Take 10 mEq potassium citrate orally three
    times a day
  • Severe hypocitraturia (Urinary citrate less than 150 mg/day):
  • Take 30 mEq potassium citrate orally 2 times
    a day or 20 mEq 3 times a day; with meals or within 30 minutes after meals.
  • Maintenance:
  • To achieve urinary citrate 320 to 640 mg/day
    and urinary pH 6.0-7.0: Titrate dose to maximum of 100 mEq/day

Which drugs or supplements interact with potassium citrate-oral tablet?

Potassium citrate should be used with caution with
potassium-sparring diuretics, which can increase potassium levels in body and
potentially lead to cardiac arrest.

Drugs that slow transit of food through the intestine may delay passage of potassium tablets through the
digestive system and result in increased irritation, ulceration or narrowing of
the small intestine. Examples of such drugs include atropine, loperamide
(Imodium), liraglutide (Saxzenda, Victoza) and similar drugs.

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
(for example, enalapril
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) drugs (for example, valsartan
[Diovan]) and
certain diuretics (for example, spironolactone
[Aldactone] and triamterene [Dyrenium])
increase potassium levels, causing high potassium levels in the blood when
combined with potassium supplements. Potassium blood levels should be measured
regularly in these patients.

Salt substitutes (for example, Mrs. Dash) often contain potassium. Therefore,
patients using salt substitutes while taking potassium supplements may develop
high levels of potassium in the blood.


Gout is a form of arthritis.
See Answer

Is potassium citrate-oral tablet safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

There are no adequate studies done on potassium citrate to
determine safe and effective use in
pregnant women.

Normally, potassium ions are present in
breast milk. It is
not known whether administering potassium citrate can further increase potassium
levels. Therefore, potassium citrate should only be given if needed.

What else should I know about potassium citrate-oral tablet?

What preparations of potassium citrate-oral tablet are available?

Potassium citrate is available in extended-release tablets.
They are available in 5 mEq (540 mg), 10 mEq (1080 mg), and 15 mEq (1620 mg)
strengths. The packets for oral solution were discontinued in the U.S.

How should I keep potassium citrate-oral tablet stored?

Store potassium citrate tablets at room temperature in a tightly
closed container.

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