What Is Abdominal Wall Reconstruction?

What is abdominal wall reconstruction? Abdominal wall reconstruction is a surgery involving the reconstruction of the abdominal wall in order to restore anatomy and function. For example, abdominal wall reconstruction can be used to repair a hernia of the front of the abdomen. The abdominal wall (or the belly) is made up of skin, several …

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How Much Does Forehead Reconstruction Cost?

What is forehead reconstruction? The cost of this surgery depends upon various factors, so consulting an experienced surgeon can help to review each of the costs. The forehead encompasses one-third of the face and can be subjected to trauma. The forehead can be divided into several subunits: Midline: Extends from the space between the brows up to the hairline Median: …

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How Much Does a Brow Lift Cost?

What is a mid-forehead brow lift? The average cost of a brow lift is $3,623, according to 2018 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. A mid-forehead brow lift, commonly known as a brow lift, is a procedure that involves surgical correction of eyebrow sagging. It also helps: Eliminate the wrinkle lines that appear between the eyebrows. Restore youthful …

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What Is Fasciocutaneous Flap Surgery?

What is a fasciocutaneous flap? Fasciocutaneous flap surgery is the excision of a skin and tissue flap for positioning over skin burns, injuries or other reconstructive sites. This specific flap technique preserves extra tissue and blood vessels in addition to skin. Fasciocutaneous flaps are tissue flaps, which consist of skin and underlying tissues including fascia (a collagen-rich lining tissue). Fasciocutaneous …

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How Long Does It Take to Recover from TRAM Flap Surgery?

What is TRAM flap surgery? The patient requires 6 to 12 weeks to regain prior energy levels and resume normal activities. TRAM stands for Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous, a muscle, and tissue of the lower abdomen between the waist and pubic bone. TRAM flap surgery uses the flap (graft) from this skin, fat, and the TRAM muscles for breast reconstruction. …

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What Is an Iliac Crest Tissue Transfer? Benefits

What is an iliac crest? The iliac crest is a commonly used bone and soft tissue that is used as a tissue transfer for flap surgery. An iliac crest is the thick curved upper border of the most prominent bone of the pelvis, the pelvic bone. Locate it by placing the hands over the lower waist and following the curve …

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How Long Does Genioplasty Take to Heal?

What is genioplasty surgery? The patients are advised to stay on a soft diet and to rinse frequently with saline solution until the first postoperative visit. Genioplasty is a form of cosmetic surgery to change the size, shape or positioning of the chin. Historically, various materials have been used to change the appearance of the chin, including paraffin and ivory. …

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How Long Does a Forehead Flap Take to Heal?

What is forehead flap surgery? Forehead flaps are surgery to repair nasal defects. Forehead flaps are a surgical procedure that is mainly used to repair nasal defects. Nasal reconstruction has seen significant advancements in the modern era, though forehead flap surgery itself is not new. The following surgeries use forehead flaps: Forehead flaps are used in the reconstruction of the …

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What Is Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery?

What is endoscopic brow lift surgery? A brow lift is usually performed by a plastic surgeon. A brow lift is an aesthetic surgical procedure to correct the loss of soft tissue elasticity in the upper third of the face. Excess sagging skin around the forehead causing drooping (ptosis) of the brows and wrinkling of the forehead is removed by repositioning …

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What Is a Jejunum Tissue Transfer?

What is a jejunum tissue transfer? A jejunum tissue transfer is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness and reliability. Swallowing defects due to esophageal cancer can be repaired using jejunum flaps (grafts). A jejunum tissue transfer helps restore swallowing, which can be affected by esophageal cancer. The small intestine is composed of three segments: Duodenum Jejunum Ileum The surgeon takes …

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