Is Neonatal Lupus Genetic? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Neonatal lupus is a rare, acquired, autoimmune, and congenital condition characterized by red rash or skin eruptions and heart issues. Though the exact cause of lupus in most cases is unknown. However, it appears that people with an inherited predisposition for lupus may develop the disease when they come into contact with the environmental factors …

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How Is Cutaneous Lupus Treated? 6 Ways to Treat

Treatment of cutaneous lupus may include medications and lifestyle changes There is no cure for cutaneous lupus. However, this chronic skin disease can be controlled with medications and lifestyle changes, such as limiting sun exposure. 6 ways to treat cutaneous lupus Sun avoidance Sun protection is an important proactive measure to prevent cutaneous lupus flares caused by ultraviolet radiation. Physical …

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How Is Neuropsychiatric Lupus Treated? Treatment Chart & Diagnosis

There are different levels of treatment for neuropsychiatric lupus. There is no permanent cure for neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). Management of NPSLE depends on the severity of symptoms and the underlying cause. Hydroxychloroquine is effective in the long-term treatment of NPSLE. Immunosuppressive medicines help inhibit the activity of the immune system, which can be useful in treating NPSLE. Corticosteroids …

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What Triggers Nummular Eczema? 12 Risk Factors & 11 Symptoms

Medication, phototherapy, and home treatments are treatment options for nummular dermatitis. Although the precise etiology of nummular eczema is unknown and there are no established medical causes, researchers believe that sensitivity of the skin to weather and harsh chemicals may play a significant role in triggering nummular eczema. 12 common risk factors or triggers for nummular eczema Twelve common risk …

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Does DCIS Turn Into Invasive Cancer? Early Stage Breast Cancer

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial since DCIS can become invasive and spread if not treated Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is the earliest stage of breast cancer in which cancerous cells develop along the milk duct of the breast. While generally considered noninvasive, DCIS can turn into invasive cancer in about 20%-50% of cases. Early diagnosis and treatment are …

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How Is Inverse Psoriasis Diagnosed? Tests, Causes & Symptoms

Inverse psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that occurs in the armpits, under the breasts, groin, genitals, in the crease between the thigh and groin, and other skin folds Inverse psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that occurs in the armpits, under the breasts, groin, genitals, in the crease between the thigh and groin, and other skin folds. Diagnosis of …

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What Is the Fastest Way to Detox Your Whole Body, and How Long Does It Take?

Do mainstream detox products work? In recent years, "detox" has become somewhat of a buzzword. It mainly applies to using certain products or following a specific diet to remove toxins from your body. In most cases, though, the main motives behind detoxing are to lose weight or improve overall health.  The human body has a self-based mechanism to remove toxins. …

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Why Is My Blood Pressure Suddenly High and Low?

What is high blood pressure? Blood pressure can be defined as the force your blood creates when it's flowing through your arteries. Blood pressure may be high or low due to medication side effects, certain medical conditions, or unknown reasons. Blood pressure can be defined as the force your blood creates when it’s flowing through your arteries (the blood vessels …

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Is It Bad To Scrape Your Tongue With A Spoon?

How to keep your tongue clean? A tongue scraper removes odor-causing bacteria more effectively from your tongue than a toothbrush. Tongue scraping is good for your oral health, but scraping your tongue with a spoon isn't very effective. Even if you're a dental and oral hygiene pro, you might not be brushing or scraping your tongue. Is it bad to …

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How Many Drinks A Day Is Considered An Alcoholic?

What qualifies as a “drink”? People who consume alcohol excessively can qualify as alcoholics with alcohol use disorder. The CDC defines heavy drinking as eight or more drinks in a week for women. People who consume alcohol excessively can qualify as alcoholics with alcohol use disorder. To understand what qualifies you as an alcoholic, it's important to be familiar with the …

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