What Are the Risk Factors for Developing Breast Cancer?

What is breast cancer? Breast cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of cells within the breast. The risk factors for developing breast cancer include age, genetics, family history, personal history, menstrual history, breast density, previous radiation therapy, ethnicity, body weight, physical activity level, reproductive history, alcohol consumption and hormone pill use. Breast cancer refers to …

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How Do They Test for Testicular Cancer?

Testicular cancer develops when one of the many kinds of testicular cells multiply uncontrollably, forming a mass. Tests for testicular cancer include ultrasound, CT scan, blood tumor markers and biopsy. Testicles or testes are part of the male reproductive system. They are a size of a golf ball and held within a skin sac known as the scrotum. The scrotum …

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What Do Early Signs of Tongue Cancer Look Like?

Tongue cancer is a serious form of oral cancer. In most patients, there may be a few to no symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer. In most patients, there may be a few to no symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer. Patients may not experience any tongue cancer symptoms at all, especially if it’s in the …

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What Are the Symptoms of a Tumor in the Abdomen?

An abdominal mass related to a stomach tumor is most often found during a routine physical exam. Symptoms of a tumor in the abdomen may include indigestion and stomach discomfort, bloating after eating, nausea, loss of appetite and heartburn. An abdominal mass related to a stomach tumor is most often found during a routine physical exam. A hard lump in the …

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What Are the Early Signs of Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer or renal cell carcinoma is an abnormal growth of kidney cells. The most common and early sign of kidney cancer is blood in the urine or hematuria. The most common and early sign of kidney cancer is blood in the urine or hematuria. Hematuria makes the urine appear rusty or even dark red, pink or orange. The signs …

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How Curable Is Cancer of the Esophagus?

Esophageal cancer or cancer of the food pipe is an aggressive cancer. In most cases, esophageal cancer is a treatable disease, although cure rates are low. Esophageal cancer or cancer of the food pipe is an aggressive cancer. In most cases, esophageal cancer is a treatable disease, although cure rates are low. According to the National Cancer Institute, the five-year survival …

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What Percentage of Japanese Have Diabetes?

The prevalence of diabetes has been on the rise in Japan in recent years. The increase can be ascribed to a sedentary lifestyle and increased fat consumption. The prevalence of diabetes has been on the rise in Japan in recent years. The increase can be ascribed to a sedentary lifestyle and increased fat consumption. Although obesity rates are lower in …

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What Country Has the Most Type 1 Diabetics?

According to research, type 1 diabetes is most common among non-Hispanic Caucasians, followed by African Americans and Hispanic Americans. The highest incidence rates are found in Finland and Italy and the lowest rates are found in South American countries, such as Venezuela and Brazil and Asian countries, such as China or Thailand. According to research, type 1 diabetes is most …

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Who Is at High Risk for Ovarian Cancer? Treatment

The risk of ovarian cancer increases with age. Almost half of the ovarian cancer cases are seen in women older than 63 years of age. risk of ovarian cancer increases with age. Almost half of the ovarian cancer cases are seen in women older than 63 years of age. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of gynecological cancer-related deaths among …

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What Type of Surgeon Removes Gallbladder?

Usually, surgeons who specialize in gastrointestinal surgery (digestive tract surgery) perform surgeries related to the gallbladder. Usually, surgeons who specialize in gastrointestinal surgery (digestive tract surgery) perform surgeries related to the gallbladder. Therefore, gallbladder may be operated upon and removed by either a gastrointestinal surgeon or general surgeon with appropriate training. Gallbladder removal is one of the most common surgeries …

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