Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer: Read About Side Effects

Introduction Radiation therapy is a form of cancer treatment that uses high levels of radiation to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing and dividing — while minimizing damage to healthy cells. Radiation is delivered to the affected breast and, in some cases, to the lymph nodes under the arm or at the collarbone. …

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Leukoplakia: Get the Facts on Treatment

Introduction Leukoplakia is a white or gray patch that develops on the tongue or the inside of the cheek. It is the mouth's reaction to chronic irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Leukoplakia patches can also develop on the female genital area; however, the cause of this is unknown. The growth can occur at any time in your …

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What Are Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs): Causes, Treatment & Rehab

What are repetitive motion disorders (RMDs? Repetitive motion disorders (RMDs) are a family of muscular conditions that result from repeated motions performed in the course of normal work or daily activities. RMDs include carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tendonitis, epicondylitis, ganglion cyst, tenosynovitis, and trigger finger. RMDs are caused by too many uninterrupted repetitions of an activity or motion, unnatural or …

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Surviving Cancer: Get Facts About Alternative Medicine

The following information has been provided with the kind permission of the National Cancer Institute. What is Normal After Cancer Treatment? Share Your Story Congratulations on Finishing Your Cancer Treatment! Ending cancer treatment can be both exciting and challenging. Most people are relieved to be finished with the demands of treatment, but many also feel sadness and worry. Many are …

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Neuropathic Pain Management: Manage This Chronic Condition

Introduction Neuropathic pain is a complex, chronic pain state that usually is accompanied by tissue injury. With neuropathic pain, the nerve fibers themselves may be damaged, dysfunctional or injured. These damaged nerve fibers send incorrect signals to other pain centers. The impact of nerve fiber injury includes a change in nerve function both at the site of injury and areas …

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