How Can I Stop My Hair Loss? 12 Tips

How Can I Stop My Hair Loss
While treating hair loss depends on what is causing it, there are things you can do to stop more hair loss and protect the hair you do have

Hair loss can be distressing and embarrassing. While treating hair loss depends on what is causing it, there are things you can do to stop more hair loss and protect the hair you do have.

12 tips to stop hair loss

  1. Rinse your hair with cool water. Avoid using hot water on your hair. After washing, rinse with cool water.
  2. Detangle your hair gently. Be gentle when combing or detangling your hair to avoid breakage or uprooting. Avoid combing when your hair is wet, since wet hair is more prone to breakage. Use a wide-tooth brush and avoid tugging on the hair.
  3. Avoid tight ponytails. Tying your hair tightly can pull on your hair and cause hair breakage or hair loss. If you do put your hair up, keep it loose.
  4. Minimize the use of heat styling products. Frequent exposure to heat by using hair dryers and hot brushes is detrimental to your hair. Heat makes your hair dry, which increases the risk of hair breakage. If you do decide to style your hair with heat, use hair serums designed to protect your hair from heat.
  5. Skip shampooing on some days. Shampooing your hair daily can strip the natural oils from your scalp and hair, especially if you suffer from dryness in those areas. Unless you are working out every day or you suffer from oily scalp or dandruff, try to limit shampooing to 2-3 times a week to allow natural oils to build up again.
  6. Use a conditioner. Apply conditioner to your hair every time after you shampoo. Conditioner restores moisture lost by shampooing.
  7. Don’t dry with cotton towels. Wrapping wet hair in a cotton towel may soak up water, but it can also pull on hair and cause breakage. Instead, use a microfiber towel or simply remove excess water by squeezing gently for a few minutes and then air dry.
  8. Trim your hair regularly. If you suffer from split ends, trimming your hair every 2-3 weeks can help. Split ends can increase the risk of hair breakage. 
  9. Massage your scalp. Massage your scalp with oils such as jojoba, argan, or coconut to promote blood circulation and hair growth.
  10. Eat nutritious foods. Besides following a good hair care routine, getting enough nutrition from your daily diet is essential for hair health. Here are some foods that can strengthen your hair:
    1. Protein-rich foods: Chicken, eggs, fish, yogurt
    2. Iron-rich foods: Beans, dates, spinach, seafood
    3. Calcium-rich foods: Milk, cheese, yogurt, fish (sardines, salmons) amaranth, calcium-fortified soy milk
    4. Biotin-rich foods: Eggs, almonds, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, cheese, mushrooms, spinach
    5. Foods rich in vitamin D: Sun exposure, fortified milk, mushrooms, salmon, sardines
    6. Foods rich in vitamin C: Indian gooseberry (amla), oranges, grapes, limes
    7. Foods rich in good fats: Fatty fishes (sardines and salmon), flaxseed oil
  11. Manage stress. Stress is a major factor that can slow your hair growth and cause hair loss. Practice relaxation techniques or engage in activities you enjoy, whether it is taking long walks, doing yoga, or meditating.
  12. Visit a dermatologist: After trying the tips listed above, wait for at least a month to see the results. If your hair loss does not improve, consider visiting a dermatologist or hair specialist. They can help determine whether your hair loss is linked to problems such as alopecia areata, vitamin deficiency, or hypothyroidism. They can plan the right treatments for you.

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How Can I Stop My Hair Loss? 12 Tips

How Can I Stop My Hair Loss
While treating hair loss depends on what is causing it, there are things you can do to stop more hair loss and protect the hair you do have

Hair loss can be distressing and embarrassing. While treating hair loss depends on what is causing it, there are things you can do to stop more hair loss and protect the hair you do have.

12 tips to stop hair loss

  1. Rinse your hair with cool water. Avoid using hot water on your hair. After washing, rinse with cool water.
  2. Detangle your hair gently. Be gentle when combing or detangling your hair to avoid breakage or uprooting. Avoid combing when your hair is wet, since wet hair is more prone to breakage. Use a wide-tooth brush and avoid tugging on the hair.
  3. Avoid tight ponytails. Tying your hair tightly can pull on your hair and cause hair breakage or hair loss. If you do put your hair up, keep it loose.
  4. Minimize the use of heat styling products. Frequent exposure to heat by using hair dryers and hot brushes is detrimental to your hair. Heat makes your hair dry, which increases the risk of hair breakage. If you do decide to style your hair with heat, use hair serums designed to protect your hair from heat.
  5. Skip shampooing on some days. Shampooing your hair daily can strip the natural oils from your scalp and hair, especially if you suffer from dryness in those areas. Unless you are working out every day or you suffer from oily scalp or dandruff, try to limit shampooing to 2-3 times a week to allow natural oils to build up again.
  6. Use a conditioner. Apply conditioner to your hair every time after you shampoo. Conditioner restores moisture lost by shampooing.
  7. Don’t dry with cotton towels. Wrapping wet hair in a cotton towel may soak up water, but it can also pull on hair and cause breakage. Instead, use a microfiber towel or simply remove excess water by squeezing gently for a few minutes and then air dry.
  8. Trim your hair regularly. If you suffer from split ends, trimming your hair every 2-3 weeks can help. Split ends can increase the risk of hair breakage. 
  9. Massage your scalp. Massage your scalp with oils such as jojoba, argan, or coconut to promote blood circulation and hair growth.
  10. Eat nutritious foods. Besides following a good hair care routine, getting enough nutrition from your daily diet is essential for hair health. Here are some foods that can strengthen your hair:
    1. Protein-rich foods: Chicken, eggs, fish, yogurt
    2. Iron-rich foods: Beans, dates, spinach, seafood
    3. Calcium-rich foods: Milk, cheese, yogurt, fish (sardines, salmons) amaranth, calcium-fortified soy milk
    4. Biotin-rich foods: Eggs, almonds, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, cheese, mushrooms, spinach
    5. Foods rich in vitamin D: Sun exposure, fortified milk, mushrooms, salmon, sardines
    6. Foods rich in vitamin C: Indian gooseberry (amla), oranges, grapes, limes
    7. Foods rich in good fats: Fatty fishes (sardines and salmon), flaxseed oil
  11. Manage stress. Stress is a major factor that can slow your hair growth and cause hair loss. Practice relaxation techniques or engage in activities you enjoy, whether it is taking long walks, doing yoga, or meditating.
  12. Visit a dermatologist: After trying the tips listed above, wait for at least a month to see the results. If your hair loss does not improve, consider visiting a dermatologist or hair specialist. They can help determine whether your hair loss is linked to problems such as alopecia areata, vitamin deficiency, or hypothyroidism. They can plan the right treatments for you.

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