How Can I Help My Young Child With Anxiety?

Give the feeling a label Anxiety is a normal part of daily life, even for children. Help your young child with anxiety by giving the feeling a label, validating their feelings, tracking causes of anxiety, and using other methods. Anxiety is a normal part of daily life, even for children. Children don't have the tools to …

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How Can I Lower My Blood Pressure in 30 Seconds?

What is high blood pressure? Blood pressure refers to the tension — or pressure — your blood places on the walls of your arteries as it passes through your body. Lower your BP in 30 seconds by practicing deep breathing, taking a warm shower, and meditating or reading. High blood pressure doesn't show any noticeable symptoms until it becomes severe. …

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Is a Tongue Scraper Bad for You?

What is a tongue scraper? A tongue scraper is a tool that is usually made from copper, stainless steel, or plastic and it helps to keep the tongue clean. Tongue scraping is safe and it may be beneficial. Our tongues are usually out of sight, out of mind. It is a fleshy set of muscles that serve various functions like …

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Is Propylene Glycol Harmful to Humans?

What is propylene glycol? Propylene glycol is a common chemical found in products in varying amounts. Research regarding the potential health risks of propylene glycol varies. Propylene glycol is a common chemical found in products in varying amounts. It’s widely used in the food, cosmetic, medicine, and manufacturing industries. Research regarding the potential health risks of propylene glycol varies. Most …

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What Are 11 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs?

Good source of protein Many health professionals now consider eggs a superfood since they are unprocessed and rich in nutrients. Health benefits of eggs include that they are good for heart health, cholesterol levels, mental health, and other benefits. Whether or not eggs could be part of a healthy diet has been a source of confusion in past years. Many health …

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Mulberries 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Mulberries are low in calories while being rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are good for your health Mulberries are juicy berries that grow in clusters and look similar to blackberries and have a balance of sweet and tart flavors.  There are hundreds of different types of mulberries, with the most common varieties being the white mulberry …

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What are the Health and Nutritional Benefits of Eating Passion Fruit?

What is passion fruit? Passion fruit is a small, round tropical citrus fruit so called because of the passionflower it sprouts from. Passion fruit is full of nutrients and helps digestion, immunity, skin health, heart health, and other systems. Passion fruit is a small, round tropical citrus fruit so called because of the passionflower it sprouts from. It has different …

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Do You Feel Sick With Breast Cancer? Symptoms & Treatment

Learn about breast cancer symptoms, risk factors, stages, treatment, and survival rates Breast cancer usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages. Constantly feeling sick with nausea or fatigue may be a sign that the cancer has spread. If you experience persistent nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, or unexplained weight loss, talk to your doctor. What are symptoms of …

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How to Get Rid of Mucus in My Chest Fast: 8 Tips

Here are 8 ways to get rid of mucus in your chest at home and when to see a doctor Mucus lines the tissues of your nose, mouth, throat, and lungs and keeps these areas from drying out as well as protects them from infection. While some amount of mucus is normal, too much can cause discomfort. Here are 8 …

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EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): Benefits, Dosage, and Safety

Learn about the health benefits and potential side effects of ECGC Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a plant compound also known as catechin. Catechins are potent antioxidants that help protect cells against free radical damage. ECGC is mostly found in green tea, although it is also found in other varieties of tea (black, white, oolong). Green tea also contains other catechins, …

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