What Does a 2-Month-Old Baby Do?

Baby changes at two months old After two months of age, your baby moves past the newborn stage. By this time, your baby changes in so many ways and so do you. Let us have a look at what a two-month-old baby can do. Motor skills Two-month-old babies can hold their heads a little steadier …

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What Causes Rashes on Baby Skin?

Baby rashes A baby’s skin is delicate and can easily break into rashes in response to various irritants. Rashes on a baby’s skin may be caused by miliaria, baby oil or soaps, viruses, bacteria, fungi, excessive dryness, moisture, insect bites, food allergy and exposure to heat and sun. A baby’s skin is delicate and can easily break into rashes in …

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What Can a Baby Do at 3 Months?

Babies at three months old Your three-month-old baby has made tremendous development since birth. Babies who are three months of age have achieved developmental milestones in moving, speaking, interacting, thinking, sensing and sleeping. Your three-month-old baby has made tremendous development since birth. By this age, your baby has more voluntary control of their body. Babies spend hours inspecting their hands …

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What Are the Warning Signs of Premature Labor?

Know the signs of preterm labor and what to do if you notice them A typical pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks. Occasionally, however, labor begins prematurely because uterine contractions can cause the cervix to open earlier than normal. Babies born before week 37 of pregnancy are considered premature:  Premature: Between 32-37 weeks Very premature: Between 28-32 weeks Extremely premature: …

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What Are the 4 Stages of Labor? Childbirth

Learn more about what to expect during each of the 4 stages of labor Whether this is your first pregnancy or not, you may not be aware of everything that happens to your body during labor. Labor happens in four stages: First stage: Dilation of the cervix (mouth of the uterus) Second stage: Delivery of the baby Third stage: Afterbirth …

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How Long Does It Take to Recover From Delivery? (Postpartum Recovery)

How Long Does It Take for Your Body to Go Back to Normal After Pregnancy? How long it takes for your body to go back to normal may take 6 months to a year, or even longer depending on your health and whether there were any complications during delivery. It’s easy to get the wrong idea about how long it …

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How Can I Help My 5-Month-Old Baby’s Development?

How parents can help Babies at five months of age are developing rapidly. Parents can help their five-month-old baby's development by talking and reading to their baby. Teaching, cuddling, and entertaining your baby are important, too. As a parent, it is a pleasure to get involved in your five-month-old baby's development.  Parents play a critical role in promoting infant development …

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When Should I Call the Doctor for My Newborn? 10 Reasons

Knowing when to call the pediatrician can be a perplexing prospect for new parents. Parenting brings along several challenges. Taking care of a newborn is not child's play. No child comes with an instruction manual. With so many self-proclaimed newborn "experts" out there, you may often be left perplexed. There are times when you can be entirely clueless about what …

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What Causes Breast Buds in Babies?

How do a pregnant woman's hormones affect her unborn child? Breast buds are always normal in newborns. The environment provided to the baby while in the womb is crucial. It determines the growth and development of the baby in utero, as well as after the baby is born. What the mother consumes (including the medications) can affect the baby. Thus, …

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How Long Is Recovery After C-Section?

Cesarean deliveries make up for an estimated 31.9 percent of all deliveries in the United States. Recovery after cesarean delivery can take as long as one and a half months. Cesarean deliveries make up for an estimated 31.9 percent of all deliveries in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recovery after cesarean delivery can …

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