What Are the Qualities of a Good Parent?

While every child has individual needs, authoritative parenting strategies will benefit almost every child. Parents should express love and affection, set limits, and maintain a cordial relationship with their kids. Parenting styles have been extensively studied for decades. How you parent your children has a tremendous impact on their future success and relationships. Parenting methods …

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Why Do Pregnant Women Pee So Much?

There are several reasons like hormone changes and uterus growth, why you might begin feeling more need to pee when you are pregnant. Pregnancy comes with a lot of new experiences. One of the new things you may notice is pregnancy pee increase and frequency. When you are pregnant, it's normal to feel the urge to pee a lot, even …

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Which Trimester Do You Gain the Most Weight During Pregnancy?

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? You don't need to gain much weight during the first trimester, however, during the second and third trimesters your weight gain should be pretty steady. Gaining a healthy amount of weight during your pregnancy is important for you and your baby. If you don't gain enough weight, your baby may be too …

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When Should I Have My First Pregnancy Ultrasound?

What is the best time to get my first ultrasound? The first pregnancy ultrasound is usually done within the first trimester, in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. When you are first pregnant it can be challenging to know what to do. Things are strange and there are a lot of adjustments to make. You might find yourself wondering when …

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What Happens When You Are Too Strict With Your Child?

What is authoritarian parenting? If you are a strict parent, your children may comply temporarily, but over-strict parenting creates behavior problems. Authoritarian parenting is associated with negative outcomes. Many well-meaning parents believe they're doing what's best for their kids by setting strict limits and rigidly enforcing them. While you may force your children to comply temporarily, over-strict parenting creates behavior …

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What Are the Advantages of a Single-Parent Family?

Children in a single-parent family can be just as happy as those in a two-parent family. You can build a great relationship with your child and make them an independent individual. Being a single parent can be difficult. But there are several single parenting advantages. Children in a single-parent family can be just as happy as those in a two-parent …

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Why Is It Called the Yips? Yips Meaning, Symptoms & Causes

What are the yips? The term may have been popularized by former golf player Tommy Armour The yips are involuntary wrist spasms experienced most commonly by golfers when trying to putt and chip or when in full swing. Although the origin of the term is unclear, “yips” may have been popularized by former golf player and coach Tommy Armour. The …

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Why Do Pregnant Women Get Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness, though cause is unknown, is undoubtedly related to hormonal shifts and the increase in or presence of certain hormones. Most of us are aware that one of the surefire ways to tell if someone is pregnant is that they may have nausea. This phenomenon is called morning sickness. Read on to learn more about it and what may …

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Which Exercises to Avoid With Lower Back Pain? 8 Workouts

Doctors recommend strengthening exercises to help relieve low back pain, however, here are eight workouts to avoid potentially worsening your chronic pain. Pain in the lower back is one of the most common causes of chronic pain in adults. Having this pain makes it very difficult for a person to carry out their day-to-day activities, especially when bending or sitting. …

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What Should Father to Be Do During Pregnancy?

A father plays a crucial role in his partner’s pregnancy. You may have to change your daily routine to follow a healthy diet, exercise, and get sufficient rest. Pregnancy can be physically and emotionally draining for mothers to manage alone. Supporting your partner through it can help her and your baby. An expectant dad’s guide to pregnancy can help you …

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