What Color Ribbon Is for Bone Cancer? 7 Types of Sarcomas

A yellow ribbon symbolizes sarcoma and bone cancer awareness. The yellow ribbon is a symbol of bone cancer and is used for fundraising events. Wearing the yellow ribbon is one of the ways to spread awareness and show solidarity to bone cancer survivors and their caregivers. Additionally, July is designated as bone cancer awareness month. …

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What Are the 4 Types of Infections?

Infection occurs when germs enter your body and multiply, resulting in disease. The four main types of infections are viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic Infection occurs when germs enter your body and multiply, resulting in disease. There are four main types of infections: Viral Bacterial Fungal Parasitic In response to an infection, the immune system goes into overdrive, activating white …

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How Many Hours Should Kids Sleep (By Age Group)?

Sleep needs vary from child to child, and not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. Sleep guidelines by age can help ensure your child gets the proper amount of sleep to avoid health problems related to not sleeping enough or sleeping too much. Sleep varies from child to child. Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep, but not …

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Why Is ADHD Controversial?

How is ADHD diagnosed? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — or ADHD — is one of the most common mental health disorders diagnosed in children. The number of children diagnosed as having ADHD has risen from 6.1% in 1997 to 10.2% in 2016 — leading some people to believe that the condition is overdiagnosed and children are being overmedicated. There’s no …

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Which Sunscreen Is Most Effective?

What to look for in your sunscreen?  When it comes to sunscreen, there’s no shortage of options to choose from. That’s why it can be hard to understand the different types and which are the most effective. Read more to learn about the different types of sunscreen and how to best protect your skin from sun damage. Broad-spectrum sunscreen The …

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What Things Damage Skin?

Your skin is your biggest organ and works as a protective barrier between your body and the outside environment. It's important to take good care of your skin so that you can prevent unnecessary skin damage and maintain all-around good health. Ultraviolet radiation Ultraviolet (UV) radiation refers to the invisible electromagnetic waves given off by the sun and by some …

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What Menopause Does To Your Brain

Perimenopause and your brain Menopause is a time when you transition from one phase of your life to the next. This change will happen physically as well as mentally. In fact, your brain will undergo significant changes throughout the process of menopause. Perimenopause is the time that it takes your body to transition from childbearing years to menopause. Women typically …

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What Medications Are Used to Treat Alcoholism?

How do I know if I am an alcoholic? Alcoholism or alcohol use disorder is a medical condition in which you consume progressively larger amounts of alcohol. It is a condition that can be chronic and have other serious social, familial, and medical consequences. However, there are many different treatments, including medications that you can take to address your alcohol …

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What Is the Quickest Way to Rehydrate Your Body?

Whether you’re exercising, forget to drink water, or are sweating a lot, you’re losing water. If you don't replenish the water you lose, you could become dehydrated. Signs of dehydration Before you start an intense rehydration process, you should first know the signs of dehydration. If you don’t get enough water, your body isn’t getting the fluid it needs to …

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What Is the First Sign of Huntington’s Disease? Symptoms

The first signs of Huntington's disease often appear when people are in their 30s or 40s and may include clumsiness, stumbling, or difficulty focusing Symptoms of Huntington's disease often first appear when people are in their 30s or 40s. Initial signs may include clumsiness, stumbling, or difficulty focusing. Over 10-25 years, the disease gradually kills nerve cells in the brain. …

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