Is Bloodletting Still Used Today?

Bloodletting is still used as a form of alternative medicine in some parts of the world. In modern medicine, removing blood is referred to as phlebotomy In some parts of the world, bloodletting is still used as a form of alternative medicine: WIth wet cupping, bloodletting is done along with the application of special suction …

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How Can I Strengthen My Arm and Hand After a Stroke?

A stroke occurs when a part of your brain gets blocked or clogged up for some time. This leads to a deprivation of oxygen in your brain, which can kill blood vessels or cause bleeding. Often, strokes will have quite severe and long-lasting effects. One area such effects can occur is in your upper extremities like your arms or your …

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How Many Pints of Blood Are There in the Human Body?

The average human adult has about 8-10 pints of blood in the body, which is 8% of total body weight. A pint of blood is equivalent to 473.18 mL The average human adult has about 8-10 pints of blood in the body, which is 8% of total body weight. A pint of blood is equivalent to 473.18 mL.  Blood is connective tissue fluid …

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How Does Exercise Affect Testosterone Levels?

The way that the male hormone, testosterone, interacts with exercise is a hotly talked about and debated phenomenon. It is also an area of hormonal research that is ongoing. As a result, we are always learning more about this emerging field of study. Read on to learn about the newest research and whether or not exercise actually does impact hormone …

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How Do You Know if Your Gums Are Healthy? Signs & Symptoms

Healthy gums are crucial tor oral health. Here are 4 signs of healthy gums and how to recognize signs of gum disease While many people tend to focus on teeth when talking about oral health, gums are critical as well. Healthy gums are crucial for overall health, as bacteria from damaged gums can find their way easily into the bloodstream, …

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How Do I Stop Sugar Cravings Fast?

The facts about sugar It's only human to crave a chocolate-chip cookie or slice of cake once in a while. However, uncontrolled sugar cravings can sometimes push you into unhealthy dietary patterns and even contribute to significant health problems like diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay.  Luckily, with a little mindfulness and some lifestyle management techniques, you can continue to treat …

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Can You Live a Normal Life After Donating a Kidney?

Kidney donation surgery While most people have two kidneys, people who have donated a kidney can lead active and full lives. Kidney donor surgery is considered a very low-risk surgery with few major complications. Laparoscopic surgery is the preferred way to do kidney donor surgeries. Laparoscopic surgery takes longer than open surgery, but donors will have less pain and faster …

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Can You Live a Normal Life After Breast Cancer?

Life after breast cancer treatment You’re finally done with your breast cancer treatment. It’s a relief and a time to rejoice. You may expect your life to go back to the way it was before, but instead of returning to your old normal, you may have to adjust to a new one. With today’s advanced treatment and early detection, breast …

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Can You Live a Long Life With Autoimmune Disease?

Getting a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease can be very frightening. You may have lots of questions for your doctor about how to treat it and if you will ever recover. You may be concerned that your condition will affect your projected lifespan. Most people can expect to live a long life with an autoimmune disease, though. There are effective …

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At What Age Do You Correct Pigeon Toe? Treatment

Pigeon toe usually corrects itself by the time a child turns 8 years old. In severe cases, early casting may be used for children over 6 months old Pigeon toe usually corrects itself by the time a child turns 8 years old.  In severe cases, early casting may be used for children over 6 months old. The casting is done …

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