Does ADHD Worsen With Age?

How does ADHD affect you as you get older? ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a condition that causes problems with focusing, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that affect every part of your life.  ADHD used to be considered a children's condition. While it is one of the most common childhood brain development disorders, it also lasts …

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What Are the Top 6 Health Threats for Men?

Women live longer than men everywhere in the world. In the United States, the life expectancy for women is around 81. For men, it's 76. Some say that the gap is because men are more likely to be risk-takers. But the gender gap in life expectancy is lower among people who are high-income and well-educated. That suggests that men can …

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What Are 5 Weight-Management Strategies?

Losing weight and figuring out the various lifestyle choices and weight management systems that work for you is a complicated process. It can feel overwhelming and frustrating. However, there are many health benefits associated with weight loss, especially if you are obese or elderly.  In this article, 5 fat-burning strategies will be broken down into easily digestible steps, so keep …

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Is Acai Good for Losing Weight?

Acai berries are fruits of the acai palm tree, native to South America and Central America. Traditionally, people have used acai for its many health benefits. It became popular in the United States when the Oprah Winfrey Show claimed the berries could make you lose weight. While it's true that acai berries are rich in antioxidants, the research around their …

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Is ADHD Medication a Controlled Substance?

For most people, medications offer a safe and effective way to relieve Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms. While they are not a permanent cure for ADHD, medicines may help improve the ability to control impulses, concentrate, follow through with tasks, and plan ahead. A majority of the medications commonly prescribed for ADHD are controlled substances regulated by the law. …

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Can Schizophrenia Be Caused by Alcohol?

What is schizophrenia? The link between alcohol and schizophrenia has been a hotly debated topic for decades. We have definitive evidence that people with schizophrenia are more likely to abuse substances like alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, or other illicit drugs. The question of whether alcohol or drug abuse can cause schizophrenia is a much more complicated subject. Schizophrenia is a serious …

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How Much Sleep Does an Adult Need?

How much sleep do adults really need? Often, you may think about sleep needs in regards to babies, children, or teens. However, sleep needs never go away. Getting meaningful and adequate sleep is also very important for adults to function properly. Adult sleep needs and habits should be accounted for on an individual basis, but most need seven to eight hours …

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How Do I Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally?

What causes age spots? Skin changes are a fact of life for most people. Your skin is the protective barrier that shields your internal organs and bones from harm, including solar damage. In the process, the skin itself gets damaged.  One symptom of skin damage is dark spots on the skin. These are sometimes called age spots. Small patches of …

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What Are 5 Weight-Management Strategies?

Losing weight and figuring out the various lifestyle choices and weight management systems that work for you is a complicated process. It can feel overwhelming and frustrating. However, there are many health benefits associated with weight loss, especially if you are obese or elderly.  In this article, 5 fat-burning strategies will be broken down into easily digestible steps, so keep …

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Are Antiperspirants Harmful?

Antiperspirant facts and safety: how safe are they? Antiperspirants are products you put on your armpits to stop or slow sweating. They block your pores, preventing sweating and slowing down the growth of the microorganisms that can cause bad body odor. Antiperspirants are different from deodorants, which kill odor-causing bacteria in your armpits instead of blocking your pores. Antiperspirants are …

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