Prebiotics vs. Probiotics vs. Postbiotics – What’s the Difference?

Your digestive tract contains microbiota. These are potentially good and harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. To be as healthy as possible, you need a balance between the two kinds of microbiota. Probiotics generally refer to consumable cultured foods and drinks that contain good bacteria. Prebiotics are dietary materials these bacteria feed on. Postbiotics are …

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Is It Better to Stand or Sit While Working?

Sitting vs. standing for work Most people would sit rather than stand when they can choose, especially at work. Many people have jobs that require them to either sit or stand for long periods. Is one better than the other? Learn more about sitting vs. standing for work and which one may be better for you. The kind of work …

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Is Henoch Schonlein Purpura Serious? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

Henoch Schonlein purpura (HSP) is usually a self-limiting condition that resolves itself without active treatment; however, it can develop life-threatening complications. Henoch Schonlein purpura (HSP), also called Immunoglobulin A (IgA) vasculitis, is a rare inflammatory disease that affects capillaries (small blood vessels) and causes an increased tendency to bleed. HSP is usually a self-limiting condition that means your body resolves …

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How Do You Get Rid of Chilblains? Home Remedies, Treatment

Chilblains rarely require treatment because they are not a serious condition and often heal on their own. Because there is no cure for chilblains, it is best to avoid getting them in the first place. The good news is that chilblains rarely require treatment because they are not serious. They typically heal on their own unless you have scratched them …

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How Do You Break a Fever Naturally? 8 Home Remedies

8 ways to bring a fever down naturally Here are 8 home remedies to help reduce a fever without taking medication, which include, staying hydrated, sponging, and proper nutrition. Fever is a reversible increase in body temperature that lasts for a particular time frame in a patient, which depends on the intensity of the illness and the treatment administered to …

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How Do I Know If My Night Sweats Are Serious?

Sweating is a normal function that helps your body regulate its temperature. You probably sweat at the gym, on a hot day, and in similar situations. If you wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely, you might have night sweats. What are night sweats? If you occasionally wake up and are too hot or are a little damp …

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What is Herd Immunity, and How Does It Help to Protect the Population from COVID-19?

Herd immunity and COVID-19 Herd immunity is important because it protects those people who are most susceptible to an illness. It also keeps the disease from spreading as easily. Herd immunity is an increasingly popular topic with the COIVD-19 pandemic bringing the concept front and center. Epidemiologists estimate that 70% of the global population needs to be vaccinated in order …

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What Is the Fastest Way to Heal Achilles Tendonitis? Recovery Time

To speed up the recovery time from Achilles tendonitis, utilize the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compress, and elevate), as well as seek help from your doctor. Achilles tendinopathy is a better term for an inflamed Achilles tendon and should be used instead of Achilles tendonitis. Essentially, the tendon is weak and dysfunctional, and, as a result, it is prone to …

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What Are the Differences Between Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccines?

Here are the differences between the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. COVID-19 vaccines were developed within a very short span, and they were found to be effective in most of the vaccinated population. Various varieties of vaccines were developed by different nations after conducting extensive research on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three …

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Can a Caucasian Have Vitiligo? 6 Types of Vitiligo

Vitiligo affects people of all races, including Caucasians. However, the condition is more visible in people with darker skin Globally, vitiligo occurs in 1% or so of the population. Vitiligo affects people of all races, including Caucasians. However, the condition is more visible in people with darker skin. Vitiligo can affect people of all age groups, although it is rare …

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