Are Indoor Plants Good for Mental Health?

Like many people, you may have spent more time indoors since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Decorating your house with indoor plants not only beautifies your space; it may also have some benefits for your mental health. Indoor plants and mental health The average person spends more than 85% of their time indoors. Houseplants …

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When Should I Test for HIV?

Who should test for HIV? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone between the age of 13 and 64 years should get tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) at least once in their lifetime, and more often for those at higher risk. HIV testing is very important for individuals who are sexually active, particularly those who …

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Is HIV PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) Recommended for Me?

If you have been exposed to HIV recently If you are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative and have been exposed to HIV recently, you should immediately consult a physician. Your physician may prescribe post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to help prevent becoming infected with HIV. You can be exposed to HIV if you: Had sex with an HIV-positive person. Shared intravenous needles or …

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Why Do I Have Discharge From My Penis?

Discharge from the penis that is not associated with sexual arousal is not considered normal and may be caused by various conditions, which include: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) Prostatitis Balanitis Urethritis Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Urinary tract infection (UTI) UTI is an infection of your urinary system. UTIs typically occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and …

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How Do You Get Genital Herpes?

What is genital herpes? Herpes is a common infection caused by herpes virus. The virus causing herpes is of two types, namely, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Genital herpes is a type of sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused mostly by HSV-2. Although HSV-1 can cause herpes rash in the genital area, it …

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What Chromosome Is Turner Syndrome Found On? Causes & Symptoms

Turner syndrome (TS) is a hereditary disorder affecting young girls and women, caused by a missing, partially missing, or modified X chromosome Turner syndrome (TS) is a hereditary disorder affecting young girls and women, caused by a missing or partially missing X chromosome.  Each cell in the human body has two sex chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes and men …

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What Are the Top 10 Mental Health Issues and Illnesses?

One in four adult Americans will have a diagnosable mental disorder at any given time. Frequently, they will have more than one and these disorders could also occur with substance abuse. Typically, people who commit suicide often have a  mental illness that can be diagnosed. Mental health issues are prevalent. Here are the most common mental illnesses.  The 10 Most Common …

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What Is Opponent Process Theory in Psychology? 5 Examples

The opponent process theory is a theory of emotional and motivational states that may explain the psychological factors behind addiction The opponent process theory is a theory of emotional and motivational states that may explain the psychological factors behind addiction. Proposed by psychologist Richard Solomon, the theory pairs emotions as opposites, for example: Happiness and sadness Fear and relief  Pleasure …

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What Are the 2 Types of Lymphoma? Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin

Lymphomas are blood cancers that are typically divided into two types: Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Learn about types, symptoms, and treatment Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that develops in the immune cells called lymphocytes. Establishing a correct diagnosis is crucial to ensuring that the right treatment plan is prescribed. While there may be more than 70 distinct varieties of …

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What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Bacterial Meningitis?

Signs of bacterial meningitis include sudden onset fever, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, neck stiffness, double vision, confusion, and photophobia Signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis differ depending on the type of infection and the affected person’s age. The incubation period, or time between exposure to infection and appearance of symptoms, also varies depending on the bacteria causing the disease. Generally, …

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