What Is Peripheral Vascular Stent? Blocked Artery Surgery

A peripheral vascular stent is a small tube made up of a metal that keeps the artery in the arm or leg open. A peripheral vascular stent is a small tube made up of a metal that keeps the artery in the arm or leg open. It is often placed in the artery after a …

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What Foods Are Good for Seasonal Depression? Vitamin D for SAD

3 nutrients essential for treating seasonal depression The 3 nutrients essential for treating seasonal depression are vitamin D, omega-3s, and carbohydrates, as well as the following foods. Some nutrients that can help combat winter blues include: Vitamin D: There is a mixed response about the association between low vitamin D levels and depression. Studies that opposed the association used a …

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What Is Forearm Pain a Symptom Of? 10 Causes, 6 Remedies

Forearm pain can be a symptom of trauma, muscle weakness, nerve entrapment, arthritis, ergonomic issues, infection, and procedures. Forearm pain can be due to several causes, such as: Trauma Muscle weakness Nerve entrapment Arthritis Ergonomic issues Infection Procedures The pain can be highly disruptive to daily life because the forearm needs to be moved repeatedly while performing daily tasks. The …

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What Age Does Breast Cancer Usually Start? Symptoms, Risk Factors

Breast cancer is most often diagnosed in women older than 45 years of age (about 80 percent of all cases). It is not known when exactly the cancer cells develop in the breast, but it is most often diagnosed in women older than 45 years (almost 80 percent of all breast cancer cases). Although breast cancer can affect anyone, less …

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Is Sinus Arrhythmia Serious? 7 Symptoms, 8 Types, 3 Complications

Sinus arrhythmia is a common, harmless condition that is not necessarily dangerous; however, it should be evaluated if accompanied by other signs of heart problems. Sinus arrhythmia is a variation in normal sinus rhythm. It is a common, harmless condition, seen more often in children and young adults, and affects both males and females equally. It is not necessarily dangerous. …

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How Long Do You Stay in the Hospital After Hiatal Hernia Surgery?

Patients typically stay in the hospital for a day or two after hiatal hernia surgery. Hiatal hernia surgery is performed to correct hiatal hernia in which symptoms are not relieved by medications and lifestyle modifications. Usually, patients stay in the hospital for a day or two after hiatal hernia surgery. Being a major surgery, complete recovery can take 10 to …

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What Would Be an Example of a Screening Test Used for Cognitive Impairment?

Examples of common screening tests used for cognitive impairment include Mini-Cog, Mini-Mental State Exam, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Cognitive screening tests check for problems with cognition, which is a combination of processes in your brain involved with thinking, memory, language, concentration, and judgment. Examples of common screening tests used for cognitive impairment include: Mini-Cog: Takes 3-5 minutes to complete. The …

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How Accurate Are Blood Typing Kits?

Blood typing kits are accurate 99.9% of the time when used correctly. It is important to use enough blood when testing and store the kits properly Blood typing kits are accurate 99.9% of the time when used correctly. It is important to use enough blood, store the kits properly, and use them before their expiration date. Home blood typing kits …

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What Are the 10 Things Every Child Needs?

Quality time Spending a lot of quality time with your children gives you the chance to meet their needs and discover who they are. While everyone is busy these days, you can spend quality time with your kids doing everyday activities. Here are some ways you can make more time for your kids:  Include your child in projects around the …

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What Are the Do’s and Don’ts During the First Trimester of Pregnancy?

The first trimester The first trimester of your pregnancy is the first twelve weeks that you're pregnant. The do's during the first trimester of pregnancy include getting prenatal care and maintaining your health, rest and mental health; the don't include drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs, eating dangerous foods and engaging in risky behaviors. The first trimester of your pregnancy is …

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