What Are the 5 Types of Sleep Disorders in Children?

What are sleep disorders? Sleep disorders in children happen when they can’t fall asleep or stay asleep at night. The 5 types of sleep disorders in children are sleep apnea, parasomnias, insomnia, delayed sleep phase syndrome, and restless leg syndrome. A full night’s sleep is important for your child’s health. It helps the body save energy, …

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What Does an Ultrasound of the Bladder and Kidneys Show?

An ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys can be used to detect various conditions such as kidney stones, infections, cysts, tumors, and more An ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys can be used to detect various conditions such as: Kidney or bladder stones Infections in the kidneys and urinary tract Hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidneys due to buildup of urine) …

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What Are 5 Positive Parenting Skills?

Praise – be encouraging Being a parent comes with its share of challenges and woes. The 5 positive parenting skills are to be encouraging, be responsive, set the example, set boundaries, and be interactive. Being a parent comes with its share of challenges and woes. As if times were not challenging enough, the pandemic and political climate have made day-to-day …

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Percentage of Cancerous Breast Needle Biopsies: Types of Cancer

About 20 percent of breast biopsies performed in the U.S. each year are cancerous, which means four out of every five biopsies are cancer-free. A lump or mass developed in the breast may be cancerous or benign. A biopsy of the lump confirms if the mass is benign or cancerous. Breast biopsies are performed on over a million women in …

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Part of the Body That Loses Most Heat in Cold Water: Hypothermia

Due to a higher blood flow in the head and neck than in the rest of the body, 40 to 45 percent of body heat is lost through the head and neck. The body constantly generates and radiates heat to its surroundings. The body loses most of its heat when submerged in cold water from the head, neck, sides of …

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How Does Covid-19 Infection Affect the Placenta?

The placenta in pregnancy The placenta is the supply chain and waste disposal for the baby in your womb. After studying a few second-trimester and hundreds of third-trimester placentas from women with Covid-19, researchers determined the virus causes significant destruction within this vital organ. Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease caused by a strain of the coronavirus. This strain is …

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How Do You Cope With a One-Year-Old and a Newborn?

Get help When a second baby comes along with the first only a year old, parenting becomes an endurance test. Cope with a newborn and a one year old by getting help, involving siblings, taking care of yourself, and using other strategies. When a second baby comes along with the first only a year old, parenting becomes an endurance test. …

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How Do You Discipline a Tween With ADHD?

Know how ADHD affects your child ADHD generally causes inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Discipline a tween with ADHD by setting clear rules, having reasonable expectations, and reinforcing positive behavior. Parenting tweens with ADHD can feel overwhelming. Tweens are growing up and learning to become independent, but they also live with symptoms they can’t control. But there are tips for parenting …

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How Can I Improve My Digestion Fast?

Healthy digestion comes from healthy eating Your digestive system digests your food and fuels your body. Improve your digestion fast by eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, eating mindfully, sleeping, reducing stress, and implementing other strategies. Your digestive system digests your food and fuels your body. It provides nutrients and energy for activity, growth, and repair. A healthy diet and …

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Can a Parent Cause Anxiety in a Child?

Parents who are stressed, anxious, harsh, fight, sarcastic, hostile or aversive may transmit or cause anxiety in their children. As a parent, you may worry about your anxiety being passed down to your child. If you’re feeling anxious and fearful, your child may pick up on those feelings. There is evidence that children can show signs of anxiety if they …

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