What Causes Laryngeal Papillomatosis?

Laryngeal papillomatosis or recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), with HPV 6 and HPV 11 accounting for 90% of cases Laryngeal papillomatosis or recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), with HPV 6 and HPV 11 accounting for 90% of cases.  Laryngeal papillomatosis occurs when benign tumors called …

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7 Benefits of Cleaning the Nose: Nasal Decontamination

7 benefits of cleaning the nose Learn the seven benefits of a nasal rinse, which include better sleep, ensuring proper nasal hygiene, and feeling more energized. Here are seven benefits of cleaning the nose: May feel more energized and active as a result of being able to breathe more easily, without congestion or discomfort. You sleep better. Less vulnerable to …

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What Are Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a malignant cancer of the ovaries. Risk factors for ovarian cancer include age, family history, genetics, ethnicity, weight, and others. Ovarian cancer is a malignant cancer of the ovaries. It can develop suddenly and spread very quickly. Because it is hard to detect in the early stages, ovarian cancer can be very advanced before you begin treatment. …

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What Are the Most Common Long-Term Effects of COVID-19?

Typical symptoms of long COVID-19 Most people recover from COVID-19 in two weeks. The most common long-term effects of COVID-19 infection are mood problems, neurological issues, heart disease, liver disease, lung disease, and heart disease. Most people recover from COVID-19 in two weeks. A few people can have symptoms lasting more than four weeks after diagnosis, a condition called "post-COVID-19 syndrome" …

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5 Most Effective Drug Addiction Treatments: Substance Abuse

5 most effective drug addiction treatments The most effective drug addiction therapies combine behavioral therapy and medications that are personalized to the patient's needs. The most effective drug addiction therapies combine behavioral therapy and medications that are personalized to the patient's needs and, in the long term, avoid relapse. The finest treatments are tailored to the unique needs of each …

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What Causes Childhood Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors?

Although the exact cause of most childhood extracranial germ cell tumors is unknown, genetic disorders can put children at an increased risk of developing the condition Although the exact cause of most childhood extracranial germ cell tumors is unknown, genetic disorders can put children at an increased risk of developing the condition. Possible risk factors include the following: Klinefelter syndrome: …

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Is BBQ OK for Acid Reflux? Foods to Eat & Avoid

BBQ can make acid reflux worse, since many BBQ foods are high in fats, spices, and other ingredients that can aggravate symptoms BBQ can make acid reflux worse, since many BBQ foods are high in fats, spices, and other ingredients that can aggravate symptoms. Acid reflux is common and can usually be treated with dietary changes. However, if the frequency …

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What Are Considered Moderate to Severe Disabilities?

Disabilities that are considered to be moderate to severe include autism, deaf/blindness, and developmental delays that impair speech and motor skills Disabilities that are considered to be moderate to severe include autism, deaf/blindness, and developmental delays that impair speech and motor skills. How is intellectual disability determined? Intellectual disability affects a child’s cognitive and adaptive abilities: Cognitive: Reasoning, problem-solving, memory, …

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What Are Early Elective Deliveries?

Elective early deliveries (EED) are cesarean deliveries or labor inductions performed before 39 weeks of pregnancy, specifically between 37-38 weeks Elective early deliveries (EED) are cesarean deliveries or labor inductions performed before 39 weeks of pregnancy with no medical necessity. Doctors usually recommend early elective delivery when the mother or baby has a medical condition. When done for nonmedical reasons …

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Sodium Bicarbonate: Heartburn Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: sodium bicarbonate Drug Class: Alkalinizing agents What is sodium bicarbonate, and what is it used for? Sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound made of sodium and bicarbonate used to increase the alkalinity of the body. Sodium bicarbonate raises the pH levels in the body and reduces the acidity of body fluids and tissues. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate is used …

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