Dissociative Identity Disorder vs Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms

Learn the differences between dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia, including their different causes, treatments, signs and symptoms, and diagnosis. Schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder may have some overlapping symptoms. Hence, it may often be tricky to clinically differentiate between the two diseases. In both of these conditions, affected people develop a sense of fragmented reality. …

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What Is the Immediate Management for Burns? First Aid

Immediate management for burns depends on the severity and extent of skin damage. Learn more about burn treatment Burns cause damage to skin tissue and can be caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, radiation, or sunlight. Immediate management for burns depends on the severity and extent of skin damage. While minor burns can be treated with first aid measures, severe burns …

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What Are the Risks of Trans Fats?

Unlike other fats, trans fats may raise low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol levels, while lowering high-density lipoprotein or “good” cholesterol levels Unlike other fats, trans fats may raise low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol levels, while lowering high-density lipoprotein or “good” cholesterol levels. This increases the risk of heart disease, obesity, and some cancers. What are trans fats? Fat is a rich …

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What Are the Top 15 Saltiest Foods?

Reducing your salt intake isn’t always easy. Salt makes most foods taste better and can be hidden in foods in surprising amounts. Here are 15 of the saltiest foods to avoid Reducing your salt intake isn’t always easy. Salt makes most foods taste better and can be hidden in foods in surprising amounts. Here are 15 of the saltiest foods to …

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What Are the Drawbacks of BMI? 6 Limitations

Body mass index (BMI) may not be an accurate measure of body fat content because it doesn't take into account muscle mass, bone density, and other factors Body mass index (BMI) may not be an accurate measure of body fat content or fitness because it doesn’t take into account important factors such as: Muscle mass Bone density Age Sex Ethnicity …

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What Are the Nutritional Needs of an Athlete?

As an athlete, your nutritional needs vary depending on the type and amount of training you do, as well as your overall health As an athlete, your nutritional needs vary depending on the type and amount of training you do, as well as your overall health. What you eat and how much you eat before and between athletic events can significantly …

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How Does a Schizoaffective Person Act? Triggers, Symptoms, Treatment

Those with schizoaffective disorder may or may not show all the classical symptoms associated with schizophrenia, which may include the following. Those with schizoaffective disorder may or may not show all the classical symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Behavioral changes or signs of schizoaffective disorder differ among people. Though the onset and course of the disorder can vary, a severe mood …

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What Builds Stronger Bones? 10 Ways to Strengthen Bones

You can build and maintain stronger bones with proper nutrition and lifestyle habits. Here are 10 ways to promote bone health Bones are living tissues that play an important role in protecting your organs and providing support to the body. Most bone growth occurs in childhood and early adulthood. With age, however, the risk of bone loss and fragility increases. Fortunately, …

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What Are the Drawbacks of BMI? 6 Limitations

Body mass index (BMI) may not be an accurate measure of body fat content because it doesn't take into account muscle mass, bone density, and other factors Body mass index (BMI) may not be an accurate measure of body fat content or fitness because it doesn’t take into account important factors such as: Muscle mass Bone density Age Sex Ethnicity …

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Why Do People With Schizophrenia Have Cognitive Deficits?

Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia may arise due to certain brain changes such as the following. Schizophrenia is associated with problems in learning, memory, thinking, and reasoning (cognitive deficits). Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia may arise due to certain brain changes such as: Disorders that affect the development of neurons (nerve cells) Changes in brain plasticity (the brain can reorganize itself by …

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