loracarbef, Lorabid: Drug Facts, Side Effects and Dosing

What is loracarbef, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Loracarbef is a synthetic oral
antibiotic in the cephalosporin family of antibiotics. The cephalosporin family
includes cephalexin
(Keflex), cefaclor
(Ceclor), cefuroxime
(Zinacef), cefpodoxime (Vantin),
(Cefzil), and many injectable antibiotics. Like other cephalosporins, loracarbef
stops bacteria from multiplying by preventing bacteria from forming the walls
that surround them. The walls are necessary to protect bacteria from their
environment and to keep the contents of the bacterial cell together. Bacteria
cannot survive without a cell wall. Loracarbef is effective against a wide
variety of bacteria such as

Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes,

Haemophilus influenzae,
E. coli, and many others. Loracarbef was approved in December 1991.

What brand names are available for loracarbef?

(Lorabid: This brand no longer is available in the U.S. and there are no generic formulations.)

Is loracarbef available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for loracarbef?


What are the side effects of loracarbef?

Loracarbef is generally well tolerated, and
side effects are usually transient. More common side effects include

abdominal pain,
vomiting, skin rash,
liver tests,
headaches, and

Loracarbef should be avoided by patients with a known
allergy to other
cephalosporin antibiotics. Since loracarbef is chemically related to penicillin,
an occasional patient can have an allergic reaction (sometimes even life
anaphylaxis) to both medications. Treatment with loracarbef and other
antibiotics can alter the normal bacteria flora of the colon and permit
overgrowth of the bacterium, Clostridium difficile, in the colon. This may lead
to inflammation of the colon known as

C. difficile or pseudo-membranous colitis. Patients who develop
pseudo-membranous colitis as a result of antibiotic treatment can experience
abdominal pain,
fever, and
sometimes even shock.

What is the dosage for loracarbef?

The recommended dose for adults is 200-400 mg every
12 hours.

Which drugs or supplements interact with loracarbef?

(Benemid) may increase the concentration of loracarbef in the blood by
decreasing excretion of loracarbef by the kidney. This interaction is sometimes
used to enhance the effect of cephalosporins.


Bowel regularity means a bowel movement every day.
See Answer

Is loracarbef safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Safe use during
pregnancy has not
been established.

Safe use in
nursing mothers
has not been established.

What else should I know about loracarbef?

What preparations of loracarbef are available?

Capsules: 200 and 400 mg. Suspension: 100 and
200 mg/5 ml.

How should I keep loracarbef stored?

Tablets and oral suspension may be stored at room
temperature, 15 C to 30 C (59 F to 86 F) in a tightly closed container.

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