Is 140 Over 70 a Good Blood Pressure? Blood Pressure Ranges

Is 140 Over 70 a Good Blood Pressure
Blood pressure of 140/70 mmHg indicates stage 1 hypertension and may be cause for concern. Learn about blood pressure ranges

Blood pressure of 140/70 mmHg indicates stage 1 hypertension and may be cause for concern. 

Blood pressure readings measure the pressure exerted on your heart when it pumps blood the resistance of blood flow in the arteries. The harder the heart has to pump and the narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure.

Generally, normal blood pressure is about 120/80 mmHg or lower. Readings above 140/90 mmHg are considered hypertension, and those above 180/120 mmHg are considered serious. If left untreated, hypertension can lead to heart diseases and stroke.

What are blood pressure ranges?

  • Normal: 120 systolic over 80 diastolic
  • Raised: 120-129 systolic over 80 or below diastolic
  • Stage I hypertension: 130-139 systolic over 80-89 diastolic
  • Stage II hypertension: 140 or higher systolic over 90 or higher diastolic
  • Hypertensive crisis: 180 systolic over 120 diastolic

What causes hypertension?

Because hypertension develops over time, the exact specific cause is unknown. However, genetics is one of the main risk factors. If your parents or immediate family have hypertension, you are at greater risk of developing the condition.

Other factors that can contribute to developing hypertension include:

What are the signs and symptoms of hypertension?

Hypertension is referred to as the “silent killer” because it typically produces no discernable symptoms.

In some cases, people with hypertension may experience:

However, these signs and symptoms are not specific to hypertension and do not occur until blood pressure has already reached extremely high or life-threatening leves.

How is hypertension diagnosed?

After taking your medical history and conducting a physical examination, your doctor will measure your blood pressure. If your blood pressure reading is high, they may order tests to confirm a diagnosis of hypertension and check for underlying conditions:

How to treat hypertension

Lifestyle changes are the standard, first-line treatment for hypertension:

Medications used to treat hypertension depend on the severity of the condition and the patient’s overall health:

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Is 140 Over 70 a Good Blood Pressure? Blood Pressure Ranges

Is 140 Over 70 a Good Blood Pressure
Blood pressure of 140/70 mmHg indicates stage 1 hypertension and may be cause for concern. Learn about blood pressure ranges

Blood pressure of 140/70 mmHg indicates stage 1 hypertension and may be cause for concern. 

Blood pressure readings measure the pressure exerted on your heart when it pumps blood the resistance of blood flow in the arteries. The harder the heart has to pump and the narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure.

Generally, normal blood pressure is about 120/80 mmHg or lower. Readings above 140/90 mmHg are considered hypertension, and those above 180/120 mmHg are considered serious. If left untreated, hypertension can lead to heart diseases and stroke.

What are blood pressure ranges?

  • Normal: 120 systolic over 80 diastolic
  • Raised: 120-129 systolic over 80 or below diastolic
  • Stage I hypertension: 130-139 systolic over 80-89 diastolic
  • Stage II hypertension: 140 or higher systolic over 90 or higher diastolic
  • Hypertensive crisis: 180 systolic over 120 diastolic

What causes hypertension?

Because hypertension develops over time, the exact specific cause is unknown. However, genetics is one of the main risk factors. If your parents or immediate family have hypertension, you are at greater risk of developing the condition.

Other factors that can contribute to developing hypertension include:

What are the signs and symptoms of hypertension?

Hypertension is referred to as the “silent killer” because it typically produces no discernable symptoms.

In some cases, people with hypertension may experience:

However, these signs and symptoms are not specific to hypertension and do not occur until blood pressure has already reached extremely high or life-threatening leves.

How is hypertension diagnosed?

After taking your medical history and conducting a physical examination, your doctor will measure your blood pressure. If your blood pressure reading is high, they may order tests to confirm a diagnosis of hypertension and check for underlying conditions:

How to treat hypertension

Lifestyle changes are the standard, first-line treatment for hypertension:

Medications used to treat hypertension depend on the severity of the condition and the patient’s overall health:

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