Grade II Hamstring Strain: How to Heal a Partial Tear Injury

Grade II hamstring tear injury

Grade II hamstring strain, known as a partial tear, is typically more painful and may result in some swelling or bruising. The injury should heal on its own with rest and proper physiotherapy.

Three muscles run down the back of the leg from the thigh to the knee: the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. These three muscles help you bend your knee and extend your hip. Collectively, they are known as the hamstring.

In some injuries, one of these muscles is stretched excessively and begins to tear, in what is called a “pulled hamstring strain” or “hamstring strain.” There are varying degrees of a hamstring strain, each increasing in intensity.

Grades of a hamstring strain

  • Grade I: This is a gentle strain.
    • You may encounter some pain when you use your leg, but it will be minor.
    • Also, there will be very little swelling.
  • Grade II: This is an incomplete tear of at least one of the hamstring muscles.
    • You may limp when you walk and feel some pain during movement.
    • You may see some swelling and wounding, and you probably will not be able to straighten your leg all the way.
  • Grade III: This is an absolute tear of at least one of the hamstring muscles.
    • You will feel extensive pain and will not be able to straighten your leg all the way. 
    • The swelling, in this case, will be easily noticeable.
    • This grade of hamstring strain will make walking even more difficult.
    • People with this grade tear usually require crutches.

What are the causes of a hamstring strain?

A hamstring strain or tear can happen for the following reasons:

  • Sports interest: Sports, which require running or sprinting or different exercises. For example, movements that require extreme or continuous extending make a hamstring injury more probable.
  • Past hamstring injury: If you have had a hamstring injury in the past (even a minor one), you are bound to have another. This is particularly true if you continue to do all your exercises at pre-injury levels of intensity without giving your muscles rests or rehabilitation.
  • Weak flexibility: If you have poor flexibility, your muscles will be unable to bear the full intensity of the activity needed during specific exercises.
  • Muscle imbalance: Some specialists warn that muscle weakness may trigger a hamstring injury. At the point when the muscles along the quadriceps (the front of your thigh) become more strong and more developed than your hamstring muscles, you might harm your hamstring muscles. This typically happens in those who lift weights or run long distances.

What are the signs and symptoms of a hamstring injury?

A hamstring injury normally causes the following symptoms:

  • An unexpected, sharp pain in the back of the thigh
  • You may likewise feel a "popping" or tearing sensation
  • Swelling and tenderness generally develop in a couple of hours

Additionally, you may encounter bruising or discoloration along the back of your leg, find it difficult to sustain weight on your injured leg and experience overall weakness.

How is a hamstring strain treated?

The most extreme muscle tears require medical surgery. However, most hamstring strains will heal on their own with rest and proper physiotherapy.

The following tips may help treat a hamstring strain:

  • Rest: Reduce the amount of walking you do and attempt to not put weight on your leg if your doctor suggests this.
  • Ice: Use a sack of ice or a cold compress on the injury to help reduce swelling for the initial 48 hours after the injury.
  • Hoist: At the point when you are sitting or resting, keep your leg raised.
  • Do stretching activities: Gradually adding a few stretching activities can help your leg to gain strength and flexibility (this may keep the injury from happening again).
  • Medical procedure: If there is a total tear of one of your hamstring muscles or ligaments, your doctor may advise a medical procedure to reattach or fix the ligament.

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