PEG/ELECTROLYTE – ORAL (Colyte, Golytely, Nulytely) side effects, medical uses, and drug interactions.

What are PEG and electrolytes?

PEG and electrolytes are oral solutions used prior to colonoscopy and other
examinations or procedures to cleanse the intestines, in particular, the large
bowel or colon. The PEG remains in the intestines where it retains water by
producing an osmotic effect. This causes a watery stool, in fact,
diarrhea, which rapidly cleanses the bowel within hours. Polyethylene 3350 is
used in all of the formulations. Since electrolytes (sodium, potassium, etc.)
are lost with diarrhea, electrolytes are added to the PEG to replace or prevent
the losses. The electrolytes and their concentrations may vary from
product-to-product. PEG and electrolyte containing products are mixed with water
and drunk for the cleanse.

What are examples of PEG and electrolytes available in the United States?

Examples of PEG and electrolytes brand names are:

What are the side effects of PEG and electrolytes?

Side effects of PEG and electrolytes are:

What drugs interact with PEG and electrolytes?

Oral medications administered within one hour of the start of PEG and
electrolytes may be flushed from the body and may not be absorbed.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of an organ in the abdomen called the pancreas.
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What formulations of PEG and electrolytes are available?

PEG and electrolytes are available as oral powder for solution.

  • Colyte, Golytely, and Gavilyte contain
    polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium
    bicarbonate, and sodium sulfate.
  • Moviprep contains polyethylene glycol
    3350, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium ascorbate and
    ascorbic acid.
  • Nulytely contains polyethylene glycol
    3350, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride.
  • Trilyte contains polyethylene glycol
    3350, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride.
  • Colyte, Nulytely and Trilyte are
    available with flavor packs.

What about taking PEG and electrolytes during pregnancy or while

The FDA classifies PEG and electrolytes as pregnancy category C, which means
that there is no evidence of safe and effective use of PEG and electrolytes for
pregnant women. PEG and electrolytes should be given to pregnant women only if
clearly needed.

It is not known whether PEG and electrolytes enter breast milk;
therefore, PEG and electrolytes must be used with caution in mothers who are

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