chlorpheniramine/hydrocodone (Tussionex) Side Effects & Dosage

What is chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Tussionex is a combination of an antihistamine that
blocks allergic reactions and reduces the production of mucus (chlorpheniramine), and a narcotic that relieves pain and
cough (hydrocodone). Tussionex is a liquid that slowly releases the chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone after it is ingested.

What brand names are available for chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone?

Tussionex, TussiCaps, Tussionex Pennkinetic, Vituz

Is chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone?


What are the side effects of chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone?

The most frequent side effects of chlorpheniramine and
hydrocodone include:

Other important side effects include:

Hydrocodone can depress breathing, and should be used with caution in
elderly, debilitated patients, and in patients with serious lung disease.
Hydrocodone can impair thinking and the physical abilities required for driving
or operating machinery. Hydrocodone may be habit forming. Mental and physical
dependence can occur but are unlikely when used for short-term relief of pain.


Which illness is known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection?
See Answer

What is the dosage for chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone?

The usual dose is 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoon) to 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) twice
daily. The suspension should be shaken prior to each use.

Which drugs or supplements interact with chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone?

Chlorpheniramine (although not generally sedating itself)
and hydrocodone both add to the sedating effects of alcohol and other drugs that
can cause sedation such as the benzodiazepine class of
anti-anxiety drugs (for
diazepam [Valium], lorazepam [Ativan], clonazepam [Klonopin], alprazolam [Xanax]); the narcotic class of pain medications and its
derivatives (for example, oxycodone and acetaminophen [Percocet],
hydrocodone/acetaminophen [Vicodin], Dilaudid, codeine, propoxyphene [Darvon]); the
class of antidepressants (for example, amitriptyline [Elavil, Endep], imipramine
[Tofranil], desipramine [Norpramin]); the antipsychotic
class of drugs (for example, thioridazine (Mellaril), triflupromazine (Stelazine)]; and
certain antihypertensive medications (for example, clonidine [Catapres],
propranolol [Inderal]).

also can intensify the drying effects (due to decreased production of mucus) of
other medications with anticholinergic properties (for example, dicyclomine [Bentyl], bethanechol
[Urecholine], Probanthine).

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Is chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Antihistamines are typically not recommended for use in
especially during the third trimester, because of a risk of seizures in the
fetus. The risk for depressed breathing in the newborn infant when the mother
ingests hydrocodone is greatest in premature infants who are particularly
sensitive to the effects of hydrocodone. Physicians may decide to prescribe
chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone during pregnancy if the benefits to the mother
are deemed to outweigh the risks to the fetus and newborn.

Chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone both are secreted in
milk. Owing to the risk in infants of antihistamines causing hyperexcitability
and even seizures, particularly in newborns and premature infants, the
combination of chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone is not recommended for use in
nursing mothers.

What else should I know about chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone?

What preparations of chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone are available?

Liquid suspension. Each teaspoonful (5 ml) contains
chlorpheniramine, 8 mg and hydrocodone, 10 mg.

How should I keep chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone stored?

The suspension should be stored at room temperature, between 15-30 C (59-86 F).

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