womens health

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a LEEP Procedure?

How long does it take to recover from a LEEP procedure? It takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to recover from a LEEP procedure. LEEP is a procedure to remove cancerous tissue from the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus located at the top of the vagina. The cervix takes about 4 …

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Orilissa (elagolix): Endometriosis Pain Medication Side Effects & Dosage

What is Orilissa (elagolix) and how is it used? Orilissa is a prescription medicine used to treat moderate to severe pain associated with endometriosis. It is not known if Orilissa is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age. What are the side effects of Orilissa? Orilissa may cause serious side effects, including: bone loss (decreased bone mineral …

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How Are Intrauterine Devices Fitted?

How are intrauterine devices fitted? An IUD is a contraceptive device that is made from plastic or copper. Inserting an intrauterine device (IUD) is a simple procedure that takes a few minutes. An IUD is a small, T-shaped device made from plastic or  copper that is placed in a woman's womb to prevent pregnancy. An IUD is a reversible contraceptive that …

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How Long Does Vaginal Hysterectomy Take?

Vaginal hysterectomy usually takes around 2 hours. Vaginal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus through the vagina. When the uterus is removed by making an incision over the abdomen, the surgical procedure is called an abdominal hysterectomy. The choice of surgery depends on the size and shape of the uterus and the indication for surgery, which is …

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What Is Endometrial Ablation Used For?

Endometrial ablation is useful in women who do not plan to have children in the future. Endometrial ablation involves surgical removal (ablation) of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to stop or diminish Heavy monthly bleeding that requires changing sanitary pads or tampons every hour. Bleeding between menstruation. A menstrual period that lasts longer than seven days. It is also …

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What Is Laparoscopy in Gynecology?

What is laparoscopy in gynecology? Laparoscopy is a technique that is used to diagnose and treat gynecological conditions. Laparoscopy in gynecology (gynecological laparoscopy) is a less invasive alternative to open surgery. The procedure involves using a laparoscope (a long, thin tube with a light connected to a camera) to look inside the pelvic area to diagnose gynecological disorders or to …

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What Happens After an Amniotomy?

The procedure is typically done at the patient’s bedside in the labor or delivery suite. Amniotomy or the artificial rupture of membranes (AROM) is a procedure in which the bag of water around the fetus (amniotic sac) is ruptured by a healthcare professional to start the labor pains. Labor induction involves measures that cause strong contractions (tightening) of the muscles …

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What Happens If a Bartholin Abscess Bursts?

What happens if a Bartholin abscess bursts? If a Bartholin abscess bursts, it may resolve on its own in a few days without treatment. However, it is advisable to visit the doctor to avoid the spread of the infection. Your doctor will usually advise you to soak the labia in warm water (sitz bath) and prescribe you antibiotics and pain …

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How Is a Cervical Cerclage Performed?

The procedure is usually done under anesthesia (spinal or general) and during the second trimester of pregnancy Cervical cerclage is a procedure used to stitch up the mouth of the uterus during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage or premature birth. The procedure is usually done under anesthesia (spinal or general) and during the second trimester of pregnancy (12-20 weeks). During a …

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Rimso-50 (dimethyl sulfoxide) for Interstitial Cystitis: Side Effects & Warnings

What is Rimso-50, and how does it work? Rimso-50 (dimethyl sulfoxide, also called DMSO) is an anti-inflammatory and bladder irrigating drug believed to reduce swelling and pain due to interstitial cystitis and improve blood supply to the treated area used to treat pain and swelling associated with bladder or urinary conditions including cystitis (bladder inflammation or irritation). What are the side …

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