
What Are the Hidden Signs of Breast Cancer? (8 Symptoms)

8 hidden signs of breast cancer Here are the 8 hidden signs of breast cancer that can help you detect cancer at the earlier stages, allowing for a better prognosis. According to the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program of the National Cancer Institute, women who spot the signs of breast cancer at an earlier …

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What Does the Respiratory System Do? 8 Functions

The primary function of the respiratory system is to help you breathe, supplying your body with oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide The primary function of the respiratory system is to help you breathe, supplying your body with oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.  Learn more about what your respiratory system does, what organs are involved, and what disease can affect its …

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What Is an ADHD Person Like? 6 Symptoms, 3 Types

6 symptoms of ADHD A person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may experience the following symptoms, which range from a short attention span to procrastination. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which affects an estimated 4.4 percent of American adults, is a chronic condition that can last a lifetime. A person may begin to experience symptoms during their childhood and …

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Is Monoclonal Gammopathy a Cancer?

Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a precancerous condition that affects plasma cells Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a precancerous condition that affects plasma cells. A patient with MGUS has an increased risk of developing blood cancer, such as myeloma or lymphoma.  However, the risk is relatively low. About 1% of those with MGUS develop cancer, as …

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What Are the Symptoms of Stage IV Kidney Disease?

Stage IV kidney disease occurs when estimated eGFR falls to 15-19 mg/mL, indicating severe loss of kidney function. Learn about symptoms and stages Stage IV kidney disease occurs when your estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) falls to 15-19 mg/mL, indicating severe loss of kidney function. Most people do not experience symptoms of chronic kidney disease (CKD) until the more advanced …

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Can Strep Throat Go Away on Its Own? (Without Antibiotics)

Strep throat generally goes away on its own in three to five days; however, antibiotics are still typically prescribed to help reduce the spread of the virus. Yes, strep throat generally goes away on its own in three to five days. Nonetheless, antibiotics are generally recommended based on certain lab tests. Many who do not take antibiotics in a confirmed …

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Should You Avoid Pain Relievers Before Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Both the CDC and WHO do not recommend taking pain relievers before getting the COVID-19 vaccine Both the CDC and WHO do not recommend taking pain relievers before getting the COVID-19 vaccine. These include over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen, as it is still unknown whether they interfere with the effectiveness of the vaccine. However, if you have …

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Does MCV Increase in Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there is a small increase in MCV or mean corpuscular volume, which measures the size of an average red blood cell.  Pregnancy brings about changes in the body that nurture fetal growth and prepare the mother for labor and delivery. Changes may include: hormonal changes, weight gain, and increase in total blood volume including a small increase in …

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What Are the 5 Parts of the Integumentary System?

The integumentary system is made up of organs and structures that protect the inside of the body from environmental elements. The 5 parts of the integumentary system include: Skin Hair Nails Glands Nerves Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body, functioning as a protective barrier for the entire body. It is made up of three layers: Epidermis: Outer …

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What Are 5 of the Main Symptoms of OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by distressing and repetitive thoughts (obsession) that often compels a person to perform a repetitive action or behavior (compulsion).  Symptoms of OCD vary from person to person, and doctors usually categorize them into specific groups. 5 main symptoms of OCD 1. Symmetry OCD symptoms OCD often presents with an urge to keep everything in order, …

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