
Does CBD Help Shortness of Breath? 2 Benefits, COPD, Asthma

Studies report that the use of cannabidiol (CBD) can reduce the symptoms of COPD and improve breathing, such as shortness of breath. A study based on the neurophysiology of dyspnea (difficulty breathing) and the location of cannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system (CNS) states that cannabinoids will alleviate the unpleasantness of breathlessness in people …

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Why Should You Not Detox Your Body?

What is a detox program? A detox is a diet that claims to get rid of toxins from your body, help you use to lose weight, and improve your health. You should not detox your body, but instead support your body with healthy eating habits and maintain an active lifestyle. Are detoxes and cleanses safe? Detoxification is an important part …

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How long does it take a UTI to turn into a kidney infection?

What are kidney infections? Failing to treat a urinary tract infection can lead to serious health problems, including kidney infections. If you have lingering symptoms, or recurrent UTIs, it is important to see your medical provider. Kidney infections, also referred to as pyelonephritis, are a serious type of urinary tract infection (UTI). This infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary …

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How Is Oropharynx Cancer Diagnosed?

Oropharyngeal cancer is diagnosed with a physical exam and medical history, followed by tests such as a neurological exam, PET-CT scan, MRI, and biopsy Oropharyngeal cancer is diagnosed with a physical exam and medical history, followed by tests such as a neurological exam, PET-CT scan, MRI, and biopsy.  Physical exam: Thorough examination of the mouth and neck to check for …

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5 Habits Causing Stains on Your Teeth: 7 Tips for Whitening Teeth

5 habits that may stain the teeth Learn five everyday habits that may stain your teeth, including drinking tea or coffee, smoking or chewing tobacco, and poor dental hygiene. Having stained teeth can significantly affect confidence. However, most fail to realize that it is the small habits that can cause a long-lasting effect on the teeth. Here are five everyday …

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7 Common Diet Mistakes: Weight Loss Tips, Why Diets Fail

Learn seven common diet mistakes that may be inadvertently ruining your weight loss journey. Many believe dieting simply means “eat this, not that!” However, there are several other things you must focus on when dieting, which can range from setting a realistic weight loss goal to making wise food choices. Dieting appears to have many rules, so it is quite …

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7 Common Diet Mistakes: Weight Loss Tips, Why Diets Fail

Learn seven common diet mistakes that may be inadvertently ruining your weight loss journey. Many believe dieting simply means “eat this, not that!” However, there are several other things you must focus on when dieting, which can range from setting a realistic weight loss goal to making wise food choices. Dieting appears to have many rules, so it is quite …

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How Easy Is It to Get Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a potentially severe illness. It's not easy for humans to contract this illness. Leptospirosis is a potentially severe illness. It's not easy for humans to contract this illness. It's most common in animals, and humans usually only catch it if they've been in contact with urine or feces from an infected animal. What is leptospirosis? Leptospirosis is a …

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How Quickly Does Penile Cancer Grow?

Penile cancer typically grows slowly over many years. However, in some cases it can grow more quickly depending on the grade of cancer Penile cancer typically grows slowly over many years. However, in some cases it can grow more quickly depending on the grade of cancer. The higher the grade, the faster the cancer can spread. What is penile cancer? Penile …

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Does Sex Make You Lose Weight or Gain Weight?

Unlike many work-outs, sex is an exercise that can help you burn some calories and still have fun while doing it. Can you lose weight by having sex? Definitely. In fact, unlike many work-outs, sex is an exercise that can help you burn some calories and still have fun while doing it.  That’s not all, though: sex can change how …

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