
What Do Nerve Conduction Studies & Electromyography Diagnose?

What are electromyography and nerve conduction studies? Electromyography and nerve conduction studies use electrodes to test the function of nerves and muscles to diagnose various problems. Nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography (EMG) are tests performed to assess the health of nerves and muscles. A neurophysiologist stimulates specific nerves and muscles and studies the resulting …

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What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy? Early Signs

What is peripheral neuropathy? The nerves that connect the CNS to the rest of the body are called the PNS. Any damage to these nerves, due to disease, injury, drugs, or toxins, is called peripheral neuropathy. The nervous system has two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The brain and spinal cord are …

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What Are the Very First Signs of Multiple Sclerosis? Types & Treatment

How do you get multiple sclerosis? The prominent feature of MS is what is called an “attack” wherein symptoms occur and then resolve (remit) and may appear again (relapse) sometimes months or years apart affecting different organs. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS).  …

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What Is a Sural Nerve Block?

What is a sural nerve block? A sural nerve block is a procedure for anesthetizing a part of the calf, lower leg, heel and foot. An anesthetic solution is injected adjacent to the Achilles tendon on the outer side of the foot. The anesthetic blocks the transmission of pain signals from injury or surgery in these parts of the lower …

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How Long Does Ulnar Nerve Block Last?

What is an ulnar nerve block? An ulnar nerve block is an injection of anesthesia to numb parts of the hand for surgery. An ulnar nerve block is a procedure to numb the side of the hand with the little finger. An anesthetic solution is injected adjacent to the ulnar nerve in the wrist or the elbow.  The anesthetic blocks …

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What Is Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring?

What is intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring? Intraoperative neurophysical monitoring is one way surgeons can make sure they aren't severing nerves by accident during delicate surgeries. Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring is the continuous evaluation of a patient’s nervous system during surgery, especially procedures involving the brain and spinal cord. Electrical and electromagnetic sensors connected to the patient via adhesive electrodes or needles transmit …

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What are the Risks and Complications of an Amygdalohippocampectomy?

What is an amygdalohippocampectomy? An amygdalohippocampectomy is a surgical operation to remove a portion of the brain as a treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy. An amygdalohippocampectomy is a surgical operation to remove a portion of the brain as a treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy. The procedure involves the selective removal of certain portions of the brain’s temporal lobe. The temporal …

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What Happens During a Video EEG Test?

How is a video EEG performed? A video EEG (electroencephalograph) monitoring is a diagnostic procedure using EEG and video recordings simultaneously in order to monitor seizure activity. A video EEG monitoring is usually performed in a hospital. The duration of the video EEG monitoring depends on the frequency of the seizures. A video EEG (electroencephalograph) monitoring is a diagnostic procedure …

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What Is a Person with Bipolar Disorder Like?

What is a person with bipolar disorder like? People with bipolar disorder frequently display extreme, intense, and disturbing emotional states known as mood episodes. Bipolar disorder is a serious, persistent mental illness characterized by changes in mood, energy, and the ability to function.  People with bipolar disorder frequently display extreme, intense, and disturbing emotional states known as mood episodes. Extreme …

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What Is a Video EEG Test (Electroencephalogram)?

What is a video EEG test? Video EEG (electroencephalogram) monitoring is a specialized kind of real-time brain imaging used for diagnosing the cause of seizures. The patient is continuously monitored on a video while an EEG unit records their brain activity. Video EEG (electroencephalogram) monitoring is a specialized kind of EEG used for diagnosing the cause of seizures. The patient …

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